Fushuan [he/him]


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Fushuan [he/him]@lemm.eetogamesY'all failed
    1 year ago

    Nah, Half elves get shields so they are one of the best for casters, at least for me. It's also funny that even if you psam crossbows, the game takes the equiped shield AC into account. It doesn't hurt that they are the best looking race of the "basic looking races" either. Then, it's stru that an actual min maxer would get a 2llv fighter dip so they would get shields too, but depending on progression that dip will take a while and you feel the weakest in early game so... yeah.

  • Thanks for the response! The definition of the US liberal is the one I was used to, but since being on lemmy for a while I was just SO confused.

    These types aren’t liberals per se, but seem to agree with them and end up subordinating to them often in practice.

    Well, yeah. It's the sad reality of the "looming right". For example, in Spain right now, where I'm from, the "centrist left" party is PSOE, which is the current governing party. We have several regional leftist parties and some "more left" parties, and then there's the "centrist right" PP, as they like to call themselves, bunch of corrupt thieves they are smh, and the extreme right VOX, which look like wannabe Trumpist by now.

    Our problem right now is that even if We disagree with PSOE, if all the actual left parties don't support them the right WILL win, but not alone, they will win with VOX and giving VOX any kind of leeway or access to actual important ministries is way more scary than not voting, or even asking your party to not support PSOE.

    So basically, what the left parties do usually is to support PSOE, the "status quo", but ask actual social things in return. It's an interesting way of archieving things, albeit little, even if they don't have a lot of voting power. Will we reach a future where the actual leftist parties take helm? Not in a good while, but this requirement of PSOE of doing amendments with smaller parties is a weird way of keeping themin leash, since they know that they are fucked if they get out of line. I'll keep voting the local left parties and hope for the best.

    Now, the situation in the US is completely different, you have just 2 parties, anything that is not them is relegated to actual complete irrelevance and both are just unregulated shits. Your problem is that one is bad because it promotes the radicalization of the country and it favours private companies, while the other also favours private companies but more sneakily. I personally see which one is the better of those, but I get why people are completely fed up.

    No other questions, thanks for the clarification and pleasant conversation!

  • I'm not trying to be aggresive and this message doesn't mean to come in as an attack, sorry if it seems otherwise.

    So people that want to change the status quo democratically and vote left, not the communist party but not the "left" centrist party of their country either, are still liberals?

    I've read somewhere here and I can't bother to find sources so ignore this if you want, that most european countries are social capitalist countries, as in, capitalist countries with some social programs. I personally think that having regulations and social programs, actual programs with real budgets, is the way to go, at least in my country, and I prefer to participate in elections instead of burning it all down.

    I don't think that this is the same than what I thought a "liberal" was, but since context matters and languages change over time, it would be cool to know if, when talking with lemmygrad and hexbear people I actually fit their definition of liberal or they are just strawmanning me in for disagreeing in some other things.

    Also, something from your comment that doesn't irk me right, I've seen plenty of people call the US apologists or anyone not against their wupport in this war both fascists and liberals, so "in the US it can mean anyone to the left of a fascist" would mean that just outright everyone in the US is a liberal? That sounds wrong.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Oh man I still remember the post that was leaked from russian government webpage on the 25th, a day after russian invaded. It was an absolute hard on about russian imperialism and how they will restore the good old russian empire or something, which included most slavic countries btw. It was taken down in hours but I checked that the addess was correct and legit. No proof of it since it's been a year already and I saved nothing, so if you don't believe it ignore me and please don't spread this since I have no source anymore, but damn if it doesn't paint a clear picture of russia's intent on all of this since way before.

  • If you seriously believe that every ethnic Russian living in eastern Ukraine is a “settler”

    Just to clarify this point since I did NOT say whay you say I'm saying. I'm guessing that you got confused since I rammed a lot of stuff in the same paragraph, but still.

    My statement

    I said that I want people from crimea removed because those are russians settlers that came to live there after the invasion in 2014, they are not ukranian citizens.

    And as you stated, those are not in easter Ukraine, so idk where you got that notion.

  • This whole thread where you are defending the rights of the settlers to live there. You can't be that oblivious that what your stance implies.

    I any case, it's clear that your stance is that all western government is bad and you wish for it all to burn down before starting anew because they are in general all evil bad actors. Feel free to correct me if my impression is wrong. I do agree that there are faults, plenty of them, but I fundamentally disagree that it all needs to burn down and I see that we will get nothing from continuing this conversation. Plus, you feel like people can't be lazy with their responses, everything must have an evil intention against your ideas and if anything said is incorrect (which I did acept was incorrect when pointed) it is done so intentionally with the objective to deceive. There is nothing to be disucussed with someone like this, so I'm just going to stop responding. I'll read your response if you do but don't expect another comment.

    I wish you genuinely have a nice day.

  • No, it’s not.

    It's still the source of the increasing hate Ukranians have for Russia. "Oh geez why do they hate us we just invaded their country lol xD"

    No, you very clearly don’t. You have said that you want them to be “removed”.

    I said that I want people from crimea removed because those are russians settlers that came to live there after the invasion in 2014, they are not ukranian citizens. If those setters ahd kids and those were born in there, it is what it is, they are still settlers that went to live there illegaly with no citizenship. I think that is unfortunate that Russian ethnic Ukranian citizens living in Donbass are recieving hate, but those people are not going to be removed from their homes, or whatever is left of those cities to be honest.

    If you are saying that any person with russian ethnicity is going to be removed from donbass either by murder or exiling them into russia, I disagree. If you mean that they are going to prohibit any russian customs/language and purge the way they liked to leave, and thus cleanse the ethnicity, then I do agree with the fact that they are going to do that, and while it's unfortunate, I find it quite natural after an invasion. However, if those people have been in favour of the invasion, then they are clearly and unequivocally traitor to the country they want to live in, and it's on them if the get exiled. Like, it's not even a question that if you ally with the invading force you are a traitor to your country.