• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • first article, near the top I made the mistake to read this shit

    It is important to note that the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc, with the exception of Albania, beyond the year 1956 will not be accounted for, as that period contained the abandonment of the construction of Socialism, de-Stalinization, and other economic, political, and ideological deviations.


    All I can say is


    lets just ignore one of the most sucsesfull era of soviet communism (space, showing american hegemony can be challenged, eliminating the gender pay gap, rent being 2-3% of a workers wage etc)

  • The OPSEC idea behind this isnt worried about being tracked in real time by the police at the protest, the highest risk is it being used in court after the fact to prove you where there, and nearby illegal stuff happening; thats why you leave it at home, not just bring it turned off, they can still use that to say 'you where here'

  • Who said anything about killing?

    It comes with 'ACAB', destroy all cops is a core princable; if not killing, abolishing all.

    You said “garden”, but then imply they are invading your “house”. What if your garden was 10 acres, would you still call the cops on them?

    If they where shitting in my garden and sleeping in it at 2am, id call the police if I knew they wouldnt hurt them, which in a socialist society id have more confidence they wont, as they arent going to put them in prison, they are taking them home; they wont have a gun, so they wont shoot them. This isnt guarenteed in liberal society, so id likely take it into my own hands and risk whatever violence comes my way.

    If you don’t have a problem with cops, they serve your interests.

    My interests are marxism-leninism, if the police agree with that then no, id have little issues with them.

  • And that’s how it should be. The police don’t need country-wide powers, 24/7 access to a criminal database or weapons to do this.

    Its already how it works in China, should we be killing every cop there?

    Someone who takes a nap in your yard isn’t “invading your home”.

    Il let my family know your thoughts on this matter next time a stranger decides to drunkly stumble into my garden at 2am, they arent invading our house, they are just friends we havent met yet :)

  • What countries with billionS of people? China and India have about 1.5 billion each, and they’re exceptions.

    Im being hyperbolic, consider my framing of 'billions' to just mean 'a country with aprox a billion+ people'

    ACAB represents that “all cops are bastards”, I don’t think anything is implied about what should replace them.

    Its an anarchist strain of thought and it has a whole connation behind it with the term, usually tied to just burning down the police force as it stands.

    Someone should have told Lenin that.

    No need, he surely recongised the need to have a police force to defend the citizens of the revolution from bad actors and yeeted the police of the monarchy/tsar into the shadow realm.

    They’re not “micro-examples”. Iceland has 176 cops per 100.000 inhabitants, while the European Union average is around 333. China has some 142. Does that mean Iceland is close to being socialist? Or is Iceland more socialist than the EU?

    What seperates the two is ideology, obviously.

    That’s not how it works. Just because “most people” think something that doesn’t make it true. An island nation is a country that comprises a whole island, or several islands. Iceland is an island nation, for example.


    Point taken, its half a island nation.

  • Who said anything about “homelessness”? What if you’re drunk/tired and just need a place to rest your head for a few hours? Why do you think that anyone sleeping on the street is “homeless”?

    Because rough sleeping is usually tied to homelessness.

    In a socialist society if you're taking a nap somewhere, the police will give you a ride home. Capitalist societies literally criminalize this.

    You said “cops don’t protect private property in socialist states” but then you say “I hope they’d protect private property in a socialist state”, so which is it?

    Cops dont act on behalfs of landlords, they act on behalf of the people; of course if someone is invading your home, they should still respond; dont be inane.

  • Haiti isn’t a small “island nation”. Haiti is half of the island Hispaniola, the other half is the Dominican Republic. Dominica is an example of an “island nation”.

    Its all relative, if you keep moving the goalposts till only criteria that you have defined is met, of course you're going to be right. For most people, Haiti is a small island nation; also we cant take micro-examples and expect them to work in countries with billions of people.

    Do they? Or do they have a local “militia”?

    Yes, they have police.

    The difference was that these militia people didn’t have country-wide powers, they were tasked with their own city. This means that they couldn’t be shipped from one city to the next to “restore order”.

    Again just putting a different name tag on the police and giving them smaller juristictions doesnt make them not police, and isnt what ACAB represents, which is deleting the police outright, not just renaming them and giving them a different coat of paint.