goboman [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2022


  • goboman [any]tochapotraphouseRubio: The Chinese are onto us.
    1 year ago

    I wonder how true this really is. The US has plenty of issues and certainly has increasing competition like it hasn't had in years, but it still seems a long way off 'dying throes' to me.

    Internal politics in America are increasingly batshit but they've been increasingly batshit for decades. Externally American remains much in the same position as the economic and military global imperial power by a significant way.

    Just how batshit/decadent/hollow does it have to get before actually receding? Open succession? An actual coup? Paramilitary conflict?

  • goboman [any]toanimeJapan is wild
    1 year ago

    This has been the standard approach for self-reflective industry and audience criticism in the anime scene since Evangelion and it simply does not work. Otaku still argue over Asuka/Rei without irony. They take these things, praise it as masterful deconstruction, then integrate it into industry standard regular content without commentary.

    A lot has been said about how satire doesn't really work but it super extra doesn't work on otakus.

  • Generational gap is part of it I'd reckon. I can just talk to my friends on my phone or watch something online, I don't have coworkers as my only option of lunch entertainment.

    Company 'loyalty' is also less effective than jumping ship to a different employer every 2-3 years so intra-company networking is less useful.

  • goboman [any]tochapotraphouseGod, I wish IRA Biden was real.
    1 year ago

    You'd be hard pressed to find one that does. Irish people from Ireland are obviously not British. Republicans in Northern Ireland aren't going to consider themselves British either, maybe "under British Rule" or "British subjects".

    The Northern Irish Loyalist might admit under stress they're "Irish" in a technical sense, but they're going to call themselves British first and foremost. People who don't care either way are more likely to self-identify as just "Northern Irish" with all the baggage that implies.

  • goboman [any]tochapotraphouseGod, I wish IRA Biden was real.
    1 year ago

    Well typically the story is that you're a loyalist who grew up being British and protestant, to parents that where British and protestant, with grandparents that where British and protestant, and so on and so forth. Then your Dad or Brother gets shot in a field by the IRA in a tit for tat killing. So you join the UDA and go out and kill some catholic kids Dad or Brother and the cycle repeats. To the loyalist, your land, family, neighbours, town, and local government have been British/Unionist since long before you or any of your living family where born so there's not even a conceivable reason to think otherwise.

    You gotta remember that before the internet-age for a lot of these towns in N.I, none of the people living there had ever meet a catholic let alone been exposed to their politics.

  • Loyalists have, and would again, kill members of the British state for their own benefit.

    There was a ton of collusion between state security forces and Loyalist paramilitaries but they definitely also fought each other, as the paramilitaries operated like gangs. Loyalist doesn't mean you have love of all the actions of the British State, just that you wish N.I to remain in the union. If loyalists think that the British State is doing something that would weaken N.I remaining in the union then they're not above killing the British if they think it'll benefit them and/or ultimately keep the union, as paradoxical as that sounds.

  • goboman [any]tochapotraphouseGod, I wish IRA Biden was real.
    1 year ago

    I used to drive past this all the time, it's still there AFAIK.

    Saying they're just N.I GOP is a little reductionist though, they're just opportunists. The average Loyalist doesn't know/give a shit about the confederacy they're just using this to give themselves legitimacy due to a mild historical connection.

  • goboman [any]togamesTHEY GOT E3
    1 year ago

    The industry was designed around the fact getting information out to consumers was difficult and costly. The developers went to these shows to give new game info to dedicated games media sites, those sites showed that information alongside ads to make money.

    Eventually in the mid 2010's developers found getting information to consumers was increasingly easy. They didn't need to run and maintain an entire dedicated website and attract viewers, all that functionality and existing userbase was already YouTube or Twitter.

    So now they don't need to go to a trade show to get information out, and now games media sites can't get info by going to a trade show. It's why both E3 and dedicated games media sites are dead or dying, they became no longer useful for developers.