good_girl [she/her, they/them]


  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Settling into my new place and enjoying our backyard that the previous tenants turned into a little veggie field.

    Put myself together a cute little gardening outfit from the clearance aisle (jeans were too short but otherwise perfect). My partner was gassing me up and even I sorta thought i looked cute despite not shaving for a few days.

    Unfortunately my back is a fuck and I can't work for longer than an hour or two.

    dysphoria talk

    The outfit was really super cute but god I'm realizing exactly how fucking much i hate my shoulders and my upper body in general. I think it's partially because I have such messed up posture, my upper body is just so fucking wide I can't stand it.

    Also the lower half of my face is too goddamn wide. I think from a distance or in the mirror it's not too bad but seeing myself in photos i feel so shitty, I think it's making me really want to try for FFS asap, but I can't afford to take time off to heal so It's not really accessible until I get sorta financially stable.

    The silver lining is that my eyes and lashes are so goddamn pretty actually. When I have my bangs properly styled I really like my face from the nose up. It's the one thing keeping me going right now.

  • Happy pride cat-trans

    moving woes

    Moving to get away from my shitty roommate and I can not wait to get tf out of here. There's something new with this fucking guy every goddamn day.

    But my god i'd forgotten how fucking insufferable the process is. WHY does applying to places cost minimum $25? WHY do they have to see my bank balances? WHY do people have visible disdain for non-families moving in? I hate every fucking step of this.

    I'm actually out of money, I had to borrow money from my partner and she's also nearly out of money. I literally can not afford to apply to a new place for the next 3-4 days and time feels like it's very quickly running out. I applied for a loan from my own retirement account so hopefully that makes everything go smoother but it also means I'm tied to this job that i fucking despise until i pay it off and that money's not going to get to me for at least 3 days, maybe longer.

    And there's absolutely no guarantee that we're even going to be accepted by anywhere we apply to. Every place I've gone to see has had more than just us seeing it, and it's almost always a more "traditional family." My partner has been very pessimistic about even finding a place during this entire process and though I've been trying to stay optimistic and to keep both our spirits high I'm starting to be worn down. I have options if we fail to find a place by the end of the month, but my other two potential roommates are going to be shit outta luck and I can't have that on my conscience.

    One silver lining is at least if everything goes well my new roommates will be my long-time friend's non-binary partner, and a trans woman.

  • Is there some big problem with the book that makes it not actually a good book that I'm missing?

    Not really, no. Unless you consider the somewhat dated language a problem (which honestly some people are going back on now), Julia Serano wrote a very very good transfeminist text. The problem with that (and my answer to your next question) is that, how often do you see transfeminists actually talked about in the mainstream or at all for that matter?

    Thankfully in recent weeks, at least 3 "big" trans youtubers (Alexander Avila, Philosophy Tube, and I can't remember the last one I saw, maybe Avelo?) have referenced Whipping Girl and Julia Serano in their videos. (Naively) Optimistically this could put a few more eyes on it which would only be a good thing.

    I myself am constantly referencing the text when discussing (trans) gender politics with (cishet male) friends as well as when commenting online.

    I love this book. I think about the text so often in my life. I immediately bought the paperback after I officially started coming out and could actually have physical objects relating to my transness. Before I read the book I was already sorta on the path to actually understanding intersectional feminism, but Whipping Girl cemented my resolve to really "get into" transfeminism.

    I also sincerely wish more people trans or otherwise would read Whipping Girl, not just in spaces like this where we openly embrace theory, but even in less leftist spaces as well. Unfortunately in today's day and age, getting people to read books is like pulling teeth.

  • Redditer 1: lol this game was meant for us my friend. I'm giggling at the downvote on my previous comment. They really are the height of irony.

    there is no emoji that can sufficiently display my utter disgust for this kind of person/reddit user

  • I think what helped me was reading other trans people's experiences with self-discovery as well as the ways some of us tend to deny our own feelings and even fiction about the trans experience. Talk, listen, read. Find someone or a group that will listen to the ways you feel. Rant or vent in the spaces that you can.

    It's a trope at this point but something that really helped me was reading through Nevada. Specifically the second half of Nevada that deals with denial, repression, and trying to rationalize the feelings away.

    The trans experience is vast and diverse and your journey is just as valid as someone who may fit the image of the trans person that the media sells to society at large. Sometimes we just don't have the words to know what specifically is wrong, only that something is wrong. Sometimes we only begin to acknowledge that our normal isn't the normal until we have whatever knowledge may have been missing.

  • Had a very weird encounter this morning with one of the tenants in a neighboring apartment building.

    When I have to park on the other side of our block I cut through a neighboring apartment courtyard as a shortcut, this morning I did the same thing, but as I was crossing the alley to get to that courtyard there was a woman pulling out of their parking. She wasn't signaling so I couldn't tell if she was turning left or right so I just kept walking straight. She apparently took offense at this because she immediately got pissed and rolled down her window then started harassing me about how I shouldn't do that, whatever that is, as well as how I shouldn't cut through their courtyard. Fine great whatever I'll stop if it bothers them so much.

    I mostly ignored her and just kept walking without stopping, but after I got to my car and before I could pull out she boxed me in and started either recording or taking pictures. I rolled down my window and gave her a little wave and a smile and she started harassing me further about how I'm very rude (I actually try to make the least amount of noise possible when I cut through, as their gates will slam shut if you let them) and how she could have hit me (she clearly saw me and again, didn't signal which way she was going to turn) and how I'm probably the person who has been stealing their packages (I was very confused about this and obviously immediately denied this) and how she's going to tell my apartment complex. Cool great whatever now I have to deal with this later as well as the increased anxiety I'm going to feel about having to park around the area.

    But then just as she was starting to drive away she decided to lob a transphobic comment at me.

    (mild) transphobia

    Specifically she said "you're a man too, stop trying to be a woman"


    On one hand how fucking dare she.

    On the other hand, I'm full boy mode, like stubble growing in with sweats and a hoodie on. The only possible gender marker was my hair length and style? idk i kinda just tussled it gently after showering this morning and i'm in one of them liberal coastal states where long hair on guys isn't out of place.

    How did she know chat?

    I partially consider this a win if she read me as some kinda queer femmy boy thing just from my hair and face all things aside.

    Also ngl I'm finding it like wildly affirming- my first public, in-person transphobic interaction.

  • Got my laser hair removal auth in the mail on wednesday and I got some kind of sick on thursday. walter-shock

    I'm so mad, I really wanted to start it this weekend but now I have to wait til next weekend because these fucking losers at my work can't be assed to stay home when they're sick.

    On the bright side I did get to meet my potential new roommates this week, one of them is my friend's partner and is NB, and the other is a trans woman. Suddenly I get to be around other queer people and it's completely by chance. They're both very leftist which is super cool, but we'll have to see exactly where they fall. Things they've both said make me think they're open to marxism but you never know.

  • I'm a big fan of bravado hot sauces.

    I think their spiciest flavors are the Aka Miso Ghost Pepper, the Black Garlic Carolina Reaper, the Garlic & Arbol Moruga Scorpion, and the Ancho Masala Scorpion Reaper.

    For something a step down I like their Ghost pepper & Blueberry as well as their Serrano & Basil.

    Their bottles are about $12-$13 for 5oz. I wouldn't pay more than that tbh.