hagensfohawk [none/use name]

  • 15 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • hagensfohawk [none/use name]tomainaoc bad again
    4 years ago

    Fuedalism is just culture man. Lol.

    Seriously though. This is so close to the argument that the confederacy wasn't about defending slavery, but defending southern "culture" and "way of life"

  • I think its unfair to burden a child with being a "theybe" (if you want to call it that) unless you are a part of a community which normalizes the practice.

    In the absence of such a community, I think the best thing to do is to try to avoid gendering the child as much as possible. Pick a gender neutral name (and favor use of name to pronoun), have gender neutral clothing, participate in wide variety of normally considered gendered activities, etc.

    Just my two cents. Not an expert or anything though.

    Edit: as I'm thinking about this more... Another thing is to also praise the child in a gender neutral way. If the child's sex is female, offer praise for their strength, etc. If child's sex is male, praise for their their gentleness, etc.

  • Uhh. Yes. Lol

    Almost every machine or algorithm which capitalists use in place of labor.

    Is a mixed bag in when productivity gains are hoarded by capitalists. Is great if productivity gains are shared as they would be with socialism.

    Imagine thinking times were better when 90 percent of the population were self sufficiency farmers

  • If you read the interview, Duncan said that he's the opposite of an expert in finance and hesitated even giving his opinion. His broad point is that in revolutions, a lot depends not on whether a state is strong, but weather the state is perceived as strong, ie confidence. When bankers become unsure of the stability of a government and fear loss of a loan, they can end up creating actual instability by withholding further credit.

    It's similar to a bank run. As long as depositers have trust in their bank, everything operates ok. If depositers are unsure of their safety of their deposit though, it creates a feedback loop in which some people withdrawing creates further distrust in the institution and stimulates additional withdrawal.