kill all gamers problem solved
kill all gamers problem solved
more like frenemies
who the fuck is saying this
my name is joe biden and i was the time we had to our next week and then i’ll get to be a little right about you too
god bless
2 questions: is this happening on netflix and if so can we cancel it
hey i was trying to sleep
p sure those cops had drugs in their systems
it fucking sucks ass lol
it was his lunch, you can see him start to salivate at the thought
who the fuck still likes bill maher these days is anyone still watching him?
sounds like this guy needs to post hog
they’re just protecting them. not gonna actually charge them
bless u
yeahh i got like 2/3 of the way through reading this before i decided i’d rather eat my dog’s shit
as a trans girl i’m allowed to have two knives
hi me too i was just about to post hunter biden again