A Slint fanboy from Berlin.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Plugins are a code execution vulnerability by design;-) Especially with binary plugins you can call/access/inspect everything the program itself can. All UI toolkits make heavy use of plugins, so you can not avoid those with almost all UI applications.

    There are non-UI applications with similar problems though.

    Running anything with network access as root is an extra risk that effects UI and non-UI applications in the same way.

  • Usig anything as root is a security risk.

    Using any UI application as root is a bigger risk. That's because every UI toolkit loads plugins and what not from all over the place and runs the code from those plugins (e.g. plugins installed system wide and into random places some environment variables point to). Binary plugins get executed in the context of the application running and can do change every aspect of your program. I wrote a small image plugin to debug an issue once that looked at all widgets in the UI and wrote all the contents of all text fields (even those obfuscated to show only dots in the UI) to disk whenever some image was loads. Plugins in JS or other non-native code are more limited, but UI toolkits tend to have binary plugins.

    So if somebody manages to set the some env vars and gets root to run some UI application with those set (e.g. using sudo), then that attacker hit the jackpot. In fact some toolkits will not even bring up any UI when run as root to avoid this.

    Running any networked UI application as root is the biggest risk. Those process untrusted data by definition with who knows what set of plugins loaded.

    Ideally you run the UI as a normal user and then use sudo to run individual commands as root.

  • The one thing you can learn from sysv init isnthat asking devs to pitncode into their programs or into starter scripts does not work. They will not bother: Those will notmworkmcross platform.

    So you need to cebtralize that task. You can either write a wrapper program that sandboxes starts applications in a sandbox or do that whereever the programs as are started anyway.

    A separate sandboxing app that starts services complicates configuration: You basically need to configure two things the starter and the service. On the up-side you have the sandboxing code separate. Merging the sandboxing into the program starting the service makes configuration simple but adds moremcode into the the starter program.

    So it is basically a decision on what you value more. Systemd decided to favor simpler configuration. The cost for adding the sandboxing is small anyway: It's all Linux kernel functionality that does need a bit of configuration to get rolling, with much of that code being in the systemd-init anyway: It uses similar functionality to actually separate the processes it starts from each other to avoid getting confused by programs restarted and thusnchanging PIDs -- something still a thing in many other inits.

    I am convinced that making sandboxing easy does a lot formits adoption. No admin will change the entire startup configuration to add a sandboxing wrapper around the actual service. It is way more likely for them to drop in a override file with a couple of lines and without any problems when upstream changes command line options.

  • The idea behind TPM-locked boot is that you can boot into your system unattended, but it stops booting into any other system. Typically no password is needed, but you can also assign an additional (non-user) password if you want.

    This is nice if you trust your system to be basically secure. Nothing else can access its filesystems, so no external tool can be used to break into it. Rescue disks can not access any data without knowing a special rescue key -- so make sure to set one up! A nice side effiect is that the key is only available while setting up disks in the initrd and totally inaccessible at any other time. That makes it very hard to extract the password once the system is running.

    You can encrypt the home directories of users using other services like systemd-homed. That will prevent anyone from accessing any data in the user's directory while that user is logged out. Homed will basically use your password to unlock your disk and if that works, then the password is accepted. So you do not need that user to be listed in the traditional /etc/passwd file, which is useful as you can just copy the users homedir image file onto another system to move a user account over.

  • You are not done one the config is written: A configuration requires maintenance effort: New plugins get released, others stop getting developed, APIs change. You constantly need to adapt your configuration.

    That is why I recommend using a distribution like astonvim. A distribution takes care of keeping the basics going and gives a well msintained base and thus gives you more time to fiddle with the interesting bits of the configuration.

    Astronvim in particular is "just" a lazy nvim config and very easy to customize, filtering the standard override process defined by the lazy plugin manager.

    I actually got rid of most custom config I had on top of astronvim by using its community repository: It contains easy to add config snippets that fully integrate other plugins with all the plugins in the astronvim config (lsp setup, treesitter, snippets, completion, ...). This ranges from adding one plugin to entire language packs with all the recommended bells and whistles to work with some programming language.

  • The problem is that you lose out on dev attention when moving away from github.

    I moved my projects into github when placeholder projects literally containing a README with a link to the real repo only got way more interaction on github than in the real repository: More stars, more views, more issue reports and even more PRs (where the devs have obviously Cloned the repo from the actual repository but could not be arsed to push there as well).

    If you want your project to be visible, it needs to be on github at this point in time:-(

  • Tobias Hunger@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlSystemD
    1 year ago

    Portability matters.

    In general: Yes. In the specific case of an init system for a specific OS: Not so much.

    This is nicely demonstrated by none of the non-Linux OSes embracing any of the options you listed. They all want something that plays to the strength of their specific systems over some generic Unix thing.

    If using Linux specific features was the only approach to security, I wonder how OpenBSD exists.

    It is the best approach we have on anything running a Linux kernel.

    systemd cannot compete with their simplicity, maintainability, smaller attack surface, and the list goes on and on and on.

    It is also easy to have really simple code that does nothing interesting whatsoever. And for something that does not do much at all, the fork-dance that e.g. s6 does is pretty complex.

    Maintainability also does not seem to be a big issue for systemd at this point in time either.

    The smaller attack surface is relative as well: systemd-the-init is a bit bigger than the ones you list. But the difference is not as big as you make it sound and an init system does not do many interesting things that can get attacked by either.

    On the other hand systemd can seriously lock down any service it starts (and does so out of the box for anything from the systemd project and many upstream projects that ship locked down systemd unit files). The init systems you listed do can not do that directly and either need helpers (which increases their attack surface again) or just do not bother. Considering that a init system starts way more lines of code that do more security critical things than an init system: I think this lockdown does lead to a smaller attack surface of the system overall.

    systemd de-facto causing other projects to put in (sometimes radically) more work than they should have to, is not okay;

    Somebody has to invest work to make things convenient and easy to use. You either run with what everybody else uses and share the effort or you do not and do the work all by yourself.

    This is in no way systemd specific.

  • Tobias Hunger@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlSystemD
    1 year ago

    None of these even want to include support for features found in the Linux kernel, so that they work can work on all Unix systems out there. Thatbis a design decision eachnofnthese made.

    So none offers similar features to lock down services out of the box, as those rely on Linux specific kernel features. Of course you can hack that into the init scripts somehow. Sysv-init has shown how well that worked cross-distribution.

    Systemd moved the goal posts for what a Linux init system needs to do. I doubt any generic Unix init system can compete.

  • Tobias Hunger@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlSystemD
    1 year ago

    SystemD replaced a variety of Linux init systems across different distros almost 10 years ago now but it is still resented by a significant and vocal section of the Linux community.

    No, it is not. It is always the same few people that repeat the same slogans that failed to convince anyone ten years ago. But that does not really matter: In open source the system that can captures developer mind share wins. Systemd did, nothing else came even close.