iridaniotter [she/her]

I'm a communist 😈

  • 135 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Well writing things in big text does not make it more correct. If patriarchy exists then the oppressed genders must organize and strike at how it is reproduced (eg. heterosexuality, the sexing of bodies). Was the formation of the USSR "proletarian separatism" or one of many battles in the liberation of oppressed peoples around the world in the fight to destroy class society? 4B is a potentially useful strategy to overthrow male supremacy, but if the feminists organizing it don't have that as an end goal then yes it'll just be failed female separatism, or feminism in one household to continue the analogy.

    The issue with TERFs is they completely renounce the social construction of sex from radical feminist theory which makes their theories of liberation half-baked at best (eg. 4B but completely ceding ground to bodily autonomy because fuck the transgenders) and self-destructive at worst (believing half the human population is and always will be in control over the other half; just complete fatalism).
