• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • Counterpoint, the only way you'll be able to write efficient and clean code, that's both terse and readable, that earns the respect of influencers and CTOs alike, is with the Happy Hacking Keyboard, Type S. It's $300, but you're serious about coding, aren't you? And you'll need some after market keycaps; the stock ones are decent -- dye sub PBT -- but you'll look like a noob, you'll need to get a few sets of colorful blanks and create a pattern from them that defines your coding aesthetic. You have a color scheme that defines your coding aesthetic, right? If not, you need to take care of that, before you even write a single line of code.

    I'm just kidding, literally anything. I don't even use one, I just use a mouse, since I'm just copying and pasting from chatGPT anyway -- or, I used to, back when I was a junior dev. Now I just use a magnetic needle and a steady hand

  • This whole open AI has Artificial General Intelligence but they're keeping it secret! is like saying Microsoft had Chat GPT 20 years ago with Clippy.

    Humans don't even know what intelligence is, the thing we invented to try to measure who's got the best brains - we literally don't even have scientific definition of the word, much less the ability to test it - so we definitely can't program it. We are a veeeeerry long way from even understanding how thoughts and memories work; and the thing we're calling "general intelligence" ? We have no fucking idea what that even means; there's no way a bunch of computer scientists can feed enough Internet to a ML algorithm to "invent" it. (No shade, those peepos are smart - but understanding wtf intelligence is isn't going to come from them.)

    One caveat tho: while I don't think we're close to AGI, I do think we're very close to being able to fake it. Going from Chat GPT to something that we can pretend is actual AI is really just a matter of whether we, as humans, are willing to believe it.

  • I'm a big fan of HTMX though it's not something that's particularly useful for the kind of work I do, but as soon as I can I'm going to light all these JavaScript frameworks on fire and walk away like it's an action movie.

    Anyway, in the demo pages, the menu and the tabs don't work? Maybe because I'm in my phone?

    Edit: Also, in the docs, there's no way to close the search pane that comes up

  • I'm not sure if there is a "good time" to buy - not as a blanket timeframe for all things. If you want to save money, use camel camel camel and patience.

    However - it all depends on how much you're talking about trying to save, how substantial that amount is to you, and how much your time is worth - because if you make $20/hour and you spend 16 hours in order to save $5, that's not a great investment.

    Black Friday is almost always a scam. Maybe once upon a time it wasn't, but, capitalists gotta capitalize.

  • jeremyparker@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlBased KDE 🗿
    10 months ago

    Idk if I would say it's looks > usability, and it's certainly not gaudy... There are theming styles that are much more unusable and gaudy than the "riced" look.

    It's an aesthetic that idealizes a kind of barebones utility, and while it often will lean towards the look over the usability, the look itself is like a "beautiful utilitarian" - minimalistic, uncluttered, etc.

  • Bill Gates was and still is a shady piece of shit. Microsoft is a lot better without him - but that's a low bar.

    Personally what bothers me is that they're starting to treat developers as users, the same as they treat Grandpa's operating system, or Beth in accounting's office suite: make everything "easy" and "intuitive" and "helpful". I became a developer because I got tired of my computers getting in my way, so now I make them do what I want. I don't want or need an intuitive, helpful interface. If you're going to make a tool for me to use, just make the tool do that thing and that's it.

    I've mostly moved on from GitHub, only using it for little pushes because the green dots look good for prospective employers.

    Edit: for those if you unfamiliar with how he's been a piece of shit specifically recently: he is the primary reason why covid vaccines weren't open-sourced. Poor countries were forced to live or die based on the generosity of wealthy nations (and the infrastructure around that generosity), rather than enabling them to buy it from less expensive sources, or even make it themselves.

    Not only is that just shitty on its face, let's not forget that a pandemic somewhere is a pandemic everywhere; the fact that he prolonged covid in poor countries (resulting in the death of thousands if not hundreds of thousands), he kept it from fading in wealthy countries, too (resulting in the death of thousands if not hundreds of thousands).

    Gates's battle to protect "intellectual property rights" (read: take but don't give) has been a life-long thing for him, literally since childhood. His viciously selfish tactics have produced great success for him, but it's a despicable kind of success... And having "retired" and amassed more money than he could possibly spend, you'd think he could just sit back and let the rest of us get on with it, but no - that's not how his level of selfishness works - it's insatiable.

  • You're right that that's extremely unambiguous, but I still don't love the idea that users don't get to decide what's in $HOME, like, maybe we could call it "$STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT" instead?

    If anything in computing conventions implies "user space" it's a global variable named HOME. And it makes sense that there should be a $STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT location too - but maybe not the same place? Then users could symlink the dotfiles they personally find relevant.

    I know you're not Linus, but, I just had to express that.