jewishleftist [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2020


  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    I'm not really sure what you're talking about to be honest. The post that was on here was just a screenshot of a tweet saying that antisemitism exists on the left and is minimized, or something along those lines, followed by a screencap of their bio and a screencap of an article about Israel's "troll army". I didn't see anything regarding a thread or any mention of Zionism.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    I made this post because it's often denied. I understand the reticence to approach the issue due to it being used in bad faith by people trying to de-legitimise the left, but there seems to be a notable amount of people who literally don't think it exists on the left at all. They are incorrect.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    It's a complex issue and a lot of Jews, especially older ones, do support Israel in some capacity (with views ranging from a one state, or two-state solution with '64 borders, to full apartheid). Personally it's caused lots of arguments with family which get heated very quickly.

    I think religion as a whole is problematic and causes people to believe problematic things. I too have my suspicions regarding religious people regarding homophobia and sexism, and as such I don't think it's necessarily wrong per-se to assume a Jewish person has a degree of affinity for Israel, although you would be incorrect a lot of the time. I think the questions is how you approach that and the way you engage with that topic.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    Fair enough. It's not something I've seen personally, most leftists I know IRL and on here are usually very good about racial issues, but I don't doubt it happens and also shouldn't be tolerated at all.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    You think I'm not mad about that too? I'm acutely aware of how it's weaponised. Turning your back on actual antisemitism isn't the correct response though, as it allows actual antisemitism to go unchallenged, providing even more ammunition for the right. Also, looking out for your Jewish comrades is the right thing to do anyway, regardless.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    My attitude isn't patronising. I'm explaining how I've been made to feel uncomfortable in left wing spaces on account of my race and religion. I'm aware that Jewish people experience privileges that other races don't and at no point have I minimised the suffering of any other people.

    It doesn't bring me 'glee' to focus on the extremeness of my Lebanese friend's comments. We were born in the same country, went to the same school together and were friends for a long while. I was immensely saddened that she wished me death on account of my race. I understand the history of conflict, but I am just a man trying to live my life in a righteous way. It's interesting how her comments are completely fine, but my being upset at them isn't.

    Synagogues get shot up. Bombs go off in kosher supermarkets. Memorials and cemeteries get defaced. This stuff happens because people think, as you put it, we're 'destroying and undermining nations'.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    That's the thing though, I don't live in fucking Israel and I don't have a say in how they run their country. I'm literally just a guy with a religion working a normal job so I can have a holiday once in a while. I'm not a Mossad commander because I'm circumcised and take Saturdays off.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    If you have negative thoughts about Jews as a community, think about why that is and where it comes from. Talk to Jews in real life and spend time with us, we're usually happy to answer questions about the faith and practice (as long as it's not sprung on us out of the blue). If you're supportive of the community, then make sure you call out antisemitism when you see it, including dumbass South Park tier jokes that people seem to still love telling for some reason.

  • jewishleftist [none/use name]
    tomainAntisemitism and the left
    4 years ago

    It's not that simple though. These are people I've met while volunteering and at protests and at meetings for leftist orgs. If they're involved in left wing praxis, adhere to left wing thought, vote for left wing politicians, but are antisemitic, then what are they? And whose job is it to combat that racism?