here’s how Trump can still win
here’s how Trump can still win
the libs on here who are against forcing the vote are the same idiots who voted for Biden
lol you are so angry right now
the only complainers I see here are the libs who are being mocked for being opposed to this
haha struck a nerve did I? your "green schools" bullshit is pretty pointless tbh, but I'm not going to tear it down as to why since I'm not doing anything to help the environment
get it now?
I support forcing the vote, you are the one shitting on it for no reason
exactly, I'm actually in the "nothing matters" camp so we might as well go all out and see what happens, especially when it's a policy the majority of libs support
I didn't ask you what you're organizing around I asked what are you doing to advance M4A which you revealed is nothing
WTF is "genuine praxis", again with the weird purity/superiority helplessness mindset
right, so you admit you didn't actually have a reason to be against this other than to act like you're somehow superior for calling it pointless
I feel doomer all the time, but I'm actively trying to avoid spreading it because it doesn't help anybody and why should I get in the way of ppl actually trying something
nice, and what does that have to do with healthcare exactly? why do you feel the need to take down a movement you're not a part of? should I come over to where you work and tell everyone "don't bother with this green shit this is a pointless gesture and will never get us Green New Deal/M4A"
no because that would be fucking stupid and irrelevant
it's not a "conspiracy" to think forcing corporate Dems to explain to their voters why they voted against healthcare for all is a good thing and beneficial to the long term goal of passing M4A
K, so what are you doing?
perhaps we could make it more clear to voters with some kind of idk vote?
if you believe in direct action organizing I don't see why you would see forcing a vote as somehow a bad thing, you can organize and do electoral pressure to push from all fronts, saying this is a waste of time is just giving yourself an excuse not to do anything and reeks of "I'm smart because I think this is dumb but I'm also not doing anything to help"
you mean except for their primaries....80% of Dems support M4A
Dixon is such an insufferable lib can't believe I thought he was good
I wonder how pissed his followers must be wondering why he didn't do this kind of stuff in March