The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • For now, one option is to temp change your settings to browse by "Local" or "All". Or alternatively temporarily unsubscribe off a few comms; if you're subscribed to a small number of comms, some trial and error might help you to find which ones are causing the issue. (For me it was two LW comms).

  • Sal, I got some error here: couldnt_get_posts. That appears every time that I try to visualise the instance through the "Subscribed" communities.

    The error does not appear if I browse the instance through "Local" or "All", nor if I check the list of communities that I'm subscribed to. The error happens across devices and front-ends (tested with Linux Firefox, Android Firefox, Jerboa).

    EDIT/UPDATE: I unsubscribed manually to a few communities each time, checking if the front page loaded fine. Eventually, it did.

    Re-subscribing to either ! or ! seems to trigger the error again.

  • That's some great read.

    Those muppets (alt right talking about antiquity) are a dime a dozen. You see a lot of them in 4chan, too. They look at the past with a "the grass was greener" mindset, cherry picking stuff to justify their political bullshit, without a single iot of critical thinking.

    And they usually suck at understanding the past, as their cherry picking doesn't allow them to get a picture of how and why things happened. They obsess over the Roman Empire and Sparta, but when you talk about the Republic or Athens they go into "lalala I'm not listening lalala" mode - because both contradict their discourse of "we need a strong rule, like people in the past, to fight against removed".

    They'll also often screech if you mention why Octavius adopted the title of "imperator" (emperor) instead of "rex" (king). Because guess what, once they acknowledge why people in Republican Rome saw kings with disdain (kingdom = primitive system and breeding grounds for tyranny), all their political discourse goes down the drain, so Octavius had to "sell" his stupid idea under a different name.

    Don't tell them about the Aurelian Moors, by the way. Or Caracalla's familiar background. Or do tell them, if you enjoy seeing them screech.

  • Even for things within a single axis, like good vs. bad, it's more complicated than it looks like. For example I've noticed plenty Brits using "not bad" to convey "really good"; while typically Americans would use it for "passable". So you're being spot on when you say that it is not the same as an inversion.

    On logical grounds what happens there is instead exclusion - and then, which value you'll take from the leftover will be heavily culture-dependent.

    I believe that this should explain even the negation in non-IE languages like Japanese "nai", Guaraní (n[d]- -[r]i circumfix).

    How would you even invert an adjective that doesn’t exist on a one-dimensional scale?

    At least in theory you'd invert all meaningful attributes. In some cases it doesn't really make sense; just like you can't invert a natural number. The negation = exclusion still does make sense in all of them.

  • That's it! When I grow up I won't become an astronaut or firefighter. I'm going to become a copyright troll!

    I recommend people to read the comments in that thread, too. A lot of them are rather insightful; they get it - the problem is not just Google being a cheapstake, but also the copyright laws themselves.

    This one is IMO specially insightful:

    ... and that is the strategy, right? It is cheaper for them [YouTube] to have a botched process that most people will not even try to fight, then to become more sophisticated (i.e., involve more actual humans) in order to preempt complaints. Alphabet / Google / YouTube are so big they can literally just ignore their users and still get away with it.

  • Não acho que haja algo "codificado", que serve para todas as comus de pirataria. Mesmo assim vejo determinados "padrões" de comportamento, que os mais experientes seguem, e reclamam quando os outros não seguem. Acho que podem ser resumidos no seguinte:

    1. Não seja sanguessuga.
    2. Proteja sua privacidade e a dos outros.
    3. Busque informação antes de perguntar.
    4. Não crie drama.
    5. Não reduplique esforços.
    6. Não queira crédito pelo que outros fizeram.

  • And a heartfelt hi from another A Clockwork Orange fan. I bloody love the book. (And the movie, too.)

    Truth is, I was trying to be simple, so I mentioned the horns/guampas in MS instead. It seems to me that they (you?) consume mate far more as tereré than hot mate/chimarrão. Even some of the folks in Paraná's third plateau would rather use glasses. (I'm from Curitiba, so rather far from them. The first time I saw it - mate on a large glass, with lemon soda - I couldn't help but "...what?" It's comfy in the summer though.)

  • Even when drinking alone, there are often rituals. It's the same in spirit for everyone, but the specifics are individual. For me it plays a lot like in a certain song: waiting for the water to heat up without boiling, thinking about life, often watching the sunrise or recalling some dream.

    Perhaps that's why the Druze would stick with the custom, too. I think that they "get" it - it isn't just "drinking", it's also the introspection that comes with it.

    There are also plenty local differences. For example, the grandpa in the pic has a coconut-shaped gourd, fairly common there in Uruguay; here in Paraná (1000~1500km up north), in Santa Catarina and in Rio Grande, gourds typically have a large lip, like mine:


    The ones that I saw the most in Argentina are from a third style, kind of a middle ground between my gourd and that grandpa's gourd.Then to the West (Paraguay, Mato Grosso do Sul, and even a chunk of Paraná) you'll often see people using cow horns for tereré.

    What you drink might also change depending on the place. Even among hot mate drinkers; for example the further south you go, the more roasted is the yerba. It can be also coarse or almost like a flour in texture.

  • Em ordem do que acho mais importante:

    1. Mesma interface para ler séries de várias fontes / sites.
    2. Um bom sistema de busca/filtro. (Já explico esta.)
    3. Marcar automaticamente o último capítulo lido.
    4. Habilidade de mudar a disposição das páginas (única, dupla, contínuo) por série.
    5. Habilidade de transferir leituras duma fonte para outra automaticamente. (Pro caso dum site ir pro bico do corvo.)
    6. Habilidade de marcar capítulos favoritos.

    Quanto ao sistema de busca/filtro. Provavelmente te dará muito trabalho, mas é importante. Tipo, se a piazada precisar procurar mangá num site qualquer, não vai usar teu programa, vai usar direto o site onde fez a busca. Pessoalmente creio que o sistema precisa, no mínimo, a habilidade de filtrar/buscar séries por:

    • idioma original
    • idioma da tradução
    • tipo de conteúdo (SFW, ecchi, hentai, gore)
    • gênero
    • nome da série
    • autor[es]

    Não tenho a mínima ideia de como divulgar teu projeto :-/ mas torço para que dê certo.

  • In a follow-up posted to social media this morning, NetEase went on to “apologize for any unpleasant experiences or doubts caused by the miscommunication of these terms…

    Ooh, corporate gaslighting! "Your fee fees are hurt because you didn't actually understand the message correctly!"

    There is no miscommunication here. The message is clear as day - "don't criticise our product".

    We actively encourage Creators to share their honest thoughts, suggestions, and criticisms as they play. All feedback, positive and negative, ultimately helps us craft the best experience for ourselves and the players.”

    Given the content of the clause, NetEase is simply being liars...

    NetEase says it is making “adjustments” to the contract “to be less restrictive and more Creator-friendly.”

    ...and they're fully aware that everybody knows that they being liars, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to make the clause less unpalatable.

    My sides went into orbit.