mark_zuckerberg [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2022


  • mark_zuckerberg [he/him]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Could the issue have been due to the Linux Mint's kernel simply not yet supporting your wireless adapter? I have heard that Linux Mint remains on older kernels longer than other distributions for the purpose of stability. I had the same issue when I tried Linux Mint myself, which I fixed simply by switching to a distribution that used a newer kernel version.

  • Especially in the case of having only a single drive: instead of dual booting, I would advise setting up a windows VM through qemu. It might be a bit time-consuming at first, but you don't have to reboot and there's no need to bother with partitioning your drive correctly. The performance is almost on par with dual booting if you set it up with GPU passthrough and CPU pinning, which is mostly just a matter of finding a decent guide and following it. The only disadvantage is that some games that use invasive kernel-level anticheats may detect that they are running inside a VM and refuse to work.

  • mark_zuckerberg [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankCrypto communism
    2 years ago

    The funniest thing here is that all of the "practical" (not that there's a need to prove attendance at leftist events in the first place) applications of NFTs that they suggest have been doable with simple PGP signatures since the 90s. Except the latter is not an excruciatingly slow, inefficient and expensive way to do so, unlike the former.

  • mark_zuckerberg [he/him]togamesThey made minecraft political.
    2 years ago

    People seem to care about this much more than they should. It's trivial to modify the game to avoid chat reports, both clientside and serverside. The chat reports depend on having all messages sent to the server cryptographically signed by the players. If either the players or the server simply strip those signatures from the message, the messages can no longer be proven to originate from the players sending them, and therefore chat reports will no longer work. There are already mods out that do exactly that:



  • mark_zuckerberg [he/him]tomemesSome people are stuck in the past
    2 years ago

    I got you fam

    If you have anything that is not located under /home that you have to access often, the trick is making a symbolic link to your home directory.

    To do this, use the following command in the terminal:

    ln -s /{target_directory} /{directory_to_link_to}

    For example, to access /bin from /home/username:

    ln -s /bin /home/username

    That way it's almost identical to just having it installed in your home directory and you no longer have to remember where it is actually located. This should still persist after reboot. If you want it to be entirely identical for any reason, you can use mounts instead, either with mount --bind to make it temporary or editing /etc/fstab to make it permanent, but symbolic links would usually suffice.

  • A good way to think about this is to consider that in the case of text prediction algorithms you are not actually speaking to the AI directly, but rather the AI is hallucinating what a hypothetical sentient AI would say in response to you. After all, you can turn the tables and pretend to be the AI, and it will gladly play the role of the human. This makes a conversation with "it" not any more real than one with a character in a dream, except instead of your brain generating the dream it's done by some processors at a Google server room.

  • mark_zuckerberg [he/him]togamesWhat is your dream game idea?
    2 years ago

    An experimental 4-dimensional game that looks something like this except with actual level design, puzzles, and whatever else can be feasibly fit into it. There are several existing 4D games, but very few of them actually show the full projection like that. Most just show a 3-dimensional slice and allow you to shift its position on the W axis.

    I think it would be interesting to see whether people would be able to get used to exploring 4D space - I believe there has been a study on that particular maze game above that showed people indeed learning to confidently navigate it, but what about more complex spaces?