It's the purges that destroyed the site. Purging users drives a wedge between the community and creates an echo chamber. People takes sides and leave. Also, the mods encouraged too much drama.
I'm saying that AOC seems to genuine care about freedom, democracy, and equality. This is something that sets her apart from the ghouls that rule most of the world.
Well though Iraqi soldiers ended up killing ten of thousands of innocent civilians the resulting uprising against Saddam's regime. The US could have prevent the massacre and ensure that Saddam didn't stay in power. Also, yes, that's my point. Bush wasn't interested in actually doing any good.
Shit the US supported him up until the late 80s. Not really, he didn't help people that I'm aware of, besides liberating people from this world. He got in trouble by interrupting world's oil supply.
Saddam wasn't just a cunt, he was a sadistic motherfuck. Go watch a video of 1979 Ba'ath Party Purge and look at pictures of chemical weapons attack on the Kurds. Honestly, I'll never forgive Bush Senior for letting Saddam's Army retreat back into Iraq to suppress Kurdish and the general uprising. Saddam should have never been allowed into power. Most countries just let genocide slide. There's no international support to remove dictators unless they hurt somebody's bottom line. 😔
Can you not separated what is right vs what's wrong. Democracy and civil liberties are good, there's nothing wrong with encouraging other countries to accept them. I mean look at Russia's help to socialist revolutionary groups around the world. New flash, most countries are run by very very evil people. There's no point in taking sides. Just support those that pushing for equality, democracy, and civil liberties.
Not advocating a return to a feudal Tibet. Nor am I advocating continued Chinese rule. You think it has to be either or?
I disagree. This is good. Honestly, I don't understand why so many people on this site tow the Chinese government's official views? The right to free speech, cultural heritage, and movement are good things. Just because a state has incorporated socialist/communist imagery doesn't justify it's actions.
Also, I see a lot of people here give critical support of AOC, which is a good thing. Every person in a position of power should only expect conditional support based on their actions. However, a lot of ML's seem to believe that the mere success of gain power of people, i.e. Mao and Stalin's rise, seem to justify their support. I know we talk a lot of shit on this site, but state-run crackdowns on dissidents and cultural traditions is a sign of a unjust society.
Where's the bimbo-fide chapos?
They got bought out and are currently owned by Mondelez International.
I only drink Big Red, ya'll a bunch of libs
Ya because you never asked for real suggestions. Your doing something without the community's consent.
Alright so you don't mind if I post this?
And??? So he approves?
Just logged for the first time in over a year. I'm actually pretty impressed that this site is still running. Nice