mick_nullen [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2020


  • I'm worried that if the rate of aefi occurrence is even slightly larger than a fully-vetted (not expedited because deadly pandemic) vaccine then a generation of dumb young parents won't let their kids get ANY vaccinations. If something goes even slightly south the antivaxx movement is going to gain hundreds of thousands of members in a very short period of time and horrible shit like polio could theoretically come back. I'm not arguing for anyone to not get the 🅱️ovid vaccine btw I but I know how hard medical pros (esp. pediatrics) work to convince young people that immunizations aren't poison and was wondering if there are any concerns on that front. Do you people think there are going to be any other long-term cultural impacts from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines?

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toaskchapoBackstory on Amber lore
    4 years ago

    I'm not ignorant to the fact that it's not new and you aren't any more correct because you keep repeating yourself on that front. Anarchism is hundreds of years old and still doesn't have a proven methodology to reach its goals. I'm with police and prison abolition on its end goals but you're naïve if you think full abolition is possible without a generation or two of global socialism and delusional to try and jump to it in 2020 US. Your refusal to even engage with even the lightest good-faith criticism of the movement is why people are skeptical and indicates that you (you personally CyborgMarx) have a lot of work to do it you're going to convince anyone who isn't already 110% uncritically in your camp.

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toaskchapoBackstory on Amber lore
    4 years ago

    Well no actually. No one was insinuating that black people are incapable of nuance or that moving funds from police depts to social workers etc is impossible or bad. Of course people are down with alternatives to policing when given the option, but the efficacy of promoting that through the phrase "abolish the police" is in question. If people have immediate material public safety concerns in their neighborhood how are abolitionists going to convince them that security personnel aren't going to be as brutal as cops but just as effective? How would you convince them that this isn't just reforming the existing police depts? If people are desperate how are you going to convince them to not cede any power to cops and begin a drawn out process that might make their already dangerous neighborhoods even worse before they get better? No one is saying that our current model isn't racist and doesn't suck, but the rhetoric from abolitionists is unconvincing for many people as it stands. There are a multitude of approaches to decreasing police presence and violence that don't have to contend with the phrase "abolish the police" just like how marxists will advocate for socialism before they advocate for communism. Also one of Amber's main points is that "abolish the police" is as nebulous a movement as BLM in that it isn't highly organized and is more of a label for many different organizations with different goals and tactics. If you were involved in Occupy like she was I can see why you'd be skeptical. Reformist began coopting "abolish the police" just like they coopted "abolish ice" and M4A, so it is actually really unclear what someone actually means when they say they're supportive of police abolition. I've not just armchair posting warrioring this topic. Try talking to people who are just tired of their neighborhoods being unsafe first about disarmament and come back and tell me how well the word abolition tracks. Also I see you editing "bitch" to "bootlicker" u fucking coward fuck you.

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toaskchapoBackstory on Amber lore
    4 years ago

    She didn't say that you dumb asshole she said that full police abolitionism is a minoritarian position (which is just reality whether you like that or not). It isn't fucking racist to point out that many poverty stricken black neighborhoods actually do want more policing either (look at how they vote for expanding police budgets). Manifold reasons why both of those things are the way they are but if you're trying to have a discussion on a podcast about US police and the racial violence they administer then you actually SHOULD address them. Ignoring salient data to not piss off illiterate wokescolds actually sucks and if hearing that upsets you then you aren't really interested in winning jack shit.

    Anyways Amber is based.

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toMainClick To Die Instantly
    4 years ago

    Jon is such a str8 pinp and a certified legend.

    Satirists can't make something funnier than this: https://jonmcnaughton.com/patriotic/the-resistance/

    The more you look at this one the more insane you become. It has an eldritch quality. https://jonmcnaughton.com/patriotic/americana/teach-a-man-to-fish/

    And his most famous is of course this one. Every exmormon from the last decade has a memory about realizing how insane their community is for not seeing any problem with this painting. https://jonmcnaughton.com/one-nation-under-god/

  • mick_nullen [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankRoast her, king
    4 years ago

    Lee Carter's refusal to let go of this beef with a podcaster over a joke is actually really fucking stupid but trying to resurrect it 5 months later is actually REALLY fucking stupid.

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    NGL chief I will literally never refer to people from the United States as USians. If you are from the US and won't call yourself or your neighbors american you're being a radlib pedant and cringe.

  • It would definitely suck to live in and habitability should be the primary goal of architecture but I'm not gonna deny there is a certain amount of grim spectacle to Speer's work. It reminds me of the MG42 and the design of Nazi weapons, which were all designed to instill panic so I guess this is weaponized architecture designed to instill dread. The setting's art style from the Wolfenstein reboot was arguably the strongest character in the series, especially with The Old Blood's Castle Wolfenstein.

    anyways imagine if the communists won in the 20s and Gropius didn't cuck the Bauhaus architects RIP

  • Lol no there are plenty of MLs who think violence is only justifiable as self-defense, is always tragic, and think that a movement animated by bloodlust will always fail to gain momentum with the working class. Plenty of Palestinian activists in Gaza organize along these same principles so don't hit me with "PaCiFiSm Is FoR tHe PrIvIleGeD" when being grossed out by people celebrating death. The Denver situation is funny and probably classifies as self-defense, but a lot of people here are giddy in a gross way that loses mass support.

  • Directly referencing this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythm_0

    The whole sequence is IMO about "high" culture being just as fucking ridiculous as Getting the Shit Kicked Out of You on TV. Why TF didn't anyone try and stop Abramovic or the audience? What kind of depraved sicko would participate in Rhythm 0 "for art"? Cinema is the medium of the masses and Boots was very careful to ride the line between popular appeal and revolutionary content. The contradiction between the two plagued Soviet and Marxist filmmakers for the better part of the 20th century because working-class audiences wanted Hollywood adventures instead of having theory thrown at them. IMO Sorry to Bother You resolves that conflict in a better way than even Parasite, even if the plot is pretty fucking strange and theoretical aspects are on the nose.

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toMainWhat the fuck is this shit
    4 years ago

    https://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/full-list-of-stuff-white-people-like/ nah not cringe actually pretty based. it's written like an ethnography of white upper middle class liberal culture and was one of the best satirical projects on the internet after the Onion. Am I missing a meta joke here or did you actually not get it?

  • mick_nullen [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    They mentioned them and went over the theories but imo were pretty clear about qualifying it by saying that none of them are experts and it is speculative. They def are skeptical about building 7, the pentagon, and flight 93. If listening to Brace and Liz get conspiratorial on incomplete evidence is a problem tho maybe skip episode three of the series, and every episode of the podcast before and after that.