nabana [they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2022


  • This reminds me of the time in my early teens when my mother described herself as a recreational drug user and I said "If I woke up, went kayaking, had breakfast, did another little quick kayak before getting ready. Got ready for work and had a quick kayak, went to work and then kayaked on my lunch break, kayaked on the way home, spent most of my afternoon kayaking, so much so that I forgot to pick my kids up from school until really late, and then went kayaking all night and had to kayak one last time before bed to sleep well, literally fucking nobody on this entire planet would describe me as a recreational kayaker." which she thought was hilarious, and to be honest kind of was.

    She was good in other areas.

  • stalin-heart No doubt in my mind that I will. I was absolutely getting the itch for some new music to get me through automating tasks people told me can't be automated and not telling anyone so I can spend more of my work day studying. o7

    Edit: Thanks again for all the fucking great mixes. If there's ever any way I can kick some dollars your way like donations or a platform where you take payments lmk and I'll see what I can do. I owe you at least one lunch with how much of my sanity you've saved helping me drown out the world.

  • nabana [they/them]toaskchapoCaption this.
    6 months ago

    The same one who spent the first hour or two of each LAN trying to convince each of their friends to stop playing random shit / playing by themselves while everyone is copying the game we were going to play in order to try and prevent finally getting to the last person and the first half of the people being "over it and wanting to play something else" only for the cycle to re-start.

    Also the same one threatening all of the friends leeching random shit from each other that if they don't wait until at least most people have copied the game that they'll receive physical harm.

    Also the same one that loves the bittorrent protocol almost as much for non internet reasons as they do for internet reasons. Hosting all the games we were going to play on a local tracker/seedbox at a LAN absolutely fucking changed the game entirely. That and getting a layer 3 switch and tagging/prioritizing torrent traffic over everything else.

  • nabana [they/them]tochapotraphouseI can't
    6 months ago

    But Cho Chang was super smart and a ravenclaw and focused on her studies! Just like a good model minority! You've also got the totally not problematic Seamus Finnigan who constantly explodes things... The banking... goblins... The totally happy slave elves... Uhm... You know... and some other stuff...

  • I enjoy mocking those people by curiously asking them which masculine markers they think society is lacking and then each time they throw one out, point out like a shitty debate bro how much they themselves don't hit any of the markers they assign to masculinity. Like mocking the tacticool burger ops mall warriors for being unable to make it up a flight of stairs.

    All joking aside this is only good if you do it to their face and not really in general, because making fun of people for their physical condition or performative gender roles is shit and bad, but making bigots hate themselves is in fact cool and good and those fucks need to be bullied. The problem is most of those dudes (at least here in the rural US) also do have like 5 guns on them at any one time probably chambered safety off "In case shit hits the fan" so like, take that as you will. Then again odds are they'll negligent discharge into their own leg or their finger won't fit inside the trigger guard, so...

  • <3 Keep your head up comrade. As shitty as all the Tech Bros / STEMlords can be and as much as the backlash like this is (somewhat deservedly) also aimed at them I do wish it was easier to both celebrate their reality check while also not celebrating joblessness for anyone, as well as being careful about keeping structural critiques aimed at structures so it doesn't splash damage our comrades so much. It will bounce back, because our whole fucked up system is designed around that (only to crash again, yay) but I believe in you and it's not wrong to keep pushing even if, or especially when things look dire.

    That being said, I do see why critiques of structures can be applied to those that uphold them and I know it's not the intent of anyone here to do either of the two negative things I mentioned so this isn't some kind of scold post for OP or anything, just that I empathize.

  • While policing definitely selects for already shit people, if you want to argue the case that cops at no point ever had any ideas about helping people only to be harassed by their peers and bosses, have their spirits crushed and be propagandized into conforming with the structural racist and class wafare mission of "policing" in the United States, go right ahead... or you can realize that that's the EXACT same situation pharmacists are in. They're literally trained to uphold the exact same racist and class based order, and police people away from assistance (medicatIon, in this case) that cops do with access to so many other rights.

    I'm sure plenty of pharmacists do want to help people, and I'm plenty aware that the the structure that controls them keeps them on an extremely tight leash about who that help can go to. Just like cops. The reason people say ACAB and "good cops quit" is precisely because they know there's occasionally good people who wind up in the line of work who immediately realize how fucked it is and try and fix it only to get their lives ruined or wind up dead themselves, or be forced to quit.

    None of this is even to defend cops, it's to illustrate that every single argument you've made for pharmacists is true of cops too, as well as almost every single other profession, and that when the pharmacist accusing you of selling drugs because you're an adult with ADHD, or asking "why you need so many" or "this is an odd dose" or all the other shit they literally should take up with a doctor but won't because they'll get sat the fuck down immediately, so they instead harass the patient, that they're not doing it because "they want to help people but their hands are tied." Maybe that was true at one point, but at that current point they're a fucking cop and fucking people over just because they can. When they "accidentally forget to order your prescription" that you've been getting the same dose of every month on the same date at the same place for 3+ years, month after month after month, they're not "trying their best, but just underpaid".

    They're not special, they're not exceptions, they're not unique. They're in the exact same situation everyone else is, and it's perfectly fine to call them pieces of shit for acting like it.

    Please just re-analyze a bit and think about it.

    (P.S. I'm not saying when the companies who own these pharmacies etc push these policies they're always doing them out of an out and out conscious racist or class based purpose, but cops don't think they are either. It's all culture and "business policies" made by extremely normal ceo failsons and board members, handed down to be enforced by the poor against the poor, sanitized through industry appropriate language and coding. It just so happens that in policework being outwardly mask off racist is industry appropriate, because the "white" public literally supports it most of the time.)

  • I agree with this, but as someone with ADHD who needs it to perform my fucking job, I am also all of these things except also untreated for ADHD because someone else also isn't doing their job to even basic competency. Like I know there's a million zillion reasons it sucks but those are never the reasons we're given. The reasons we're given day in day out are "well, we fucked up and here's an excuse that doesn't even make sense."

    If we push back on those reasons AT ALL we're instantly treated like medication seeking strung out addicts who are angry because they can't get their street drugs that they probably give away for free to babies to get them hooked and dependent on drugs while putting razor blades in their candy or whatever the the fucking news fed WASP stereotype is.

    It's not about being annoyed that sometimes mistakes happen and people are generally treated like shit as laborers, including pharmacists. I've never met an ADHD person who doesn't understand that the systems are shit, the regulations are shit, the wages and staffing is shit, etc. What we don't understand and what's so frustrating is why the fuck they simultaneously think the words they're saying are even consistent (if not valid) excuses, and why the fuck we're treated like shit (which again, even if we were addicts is a piss poor way to treat people, but that's a separate argument). It's not a single event. It's every single pharmacy, every single pharmacist, every single prescription, with VERY RARE exceptions.

    Being someone that's also got friends and family taking BPD meds, anti-depressants, etc, even they think it's absurd how hard it is to fill an ADHD prescription compared to literally everything they take. The entire medical attitude towards ADHD is fucking toxic.

    Edit: Just to add because I think it's important, I know literally none of this is their fault and is entirely the result of shit policies, shit circumstances, and shitloads of propaganda. I know they're mostly now just retail employees, none of the above is ever any reason to treat them like shit either. I was just defending OPs rant that I am overwhelmingly sure they came here to have instead of being annoyed at the pharmacist, because if they had it at the pharmacy they'd have included "and now my life is basically a million times harder because they decided the minute I was agitated that I was never allowed to take a controlled substance again."

  • nabana [they/them]tomusic[OC] Best of Jungle 2023 Part 1
    8 months ago

    Glad to hear you're on the mend, hope everything all healed up well and you got some good cans to replace the broken ones. I really need to dig my set out and get around to replacing the cable with a TRS jack so I can stop replacing the cable every 12-24 months and just plug the cable in at the headphone end too.

  • nabana [they/them]tochapotraphouseFuck LED headlights
    8 months ago

    PSA: For anyone experience this all the time at night, but especially when it's rainy/wet. it is most likely their dipshit headlights... buuuuut you should also get an eye exam if you've got the opportunity to do so. I know that's extremely out of reach for a lot of folks but if you can, you should.

    It's extremely common for halos, streaky/blurry lights, etc. at night to be early or uncaught indicators of eyesight conditions like:

    • Astigmatism
    • Glaucoma
    • Cataracts
    • Keratoconus
    • Etc.

    The good thing is pretty much all of those are extremely treatable and not a big deal especially when caught early. There's also the possibility that it's literally none of that shit, but if it's been more than a year, get your eyes checked anyway. You need to be able to see to aim at fascists.

    Again, there's almost a 100% chance it's the headlights and just rain and lights being shit at night, but, as has happened to two of my friends, you can also maybe find out it's your eyes being weird shapes and they fix it real easy and it's literally the difference between not being able to drive at night and being fine but occasionally struggling.

    Plus on the off chance it's Glaucoma, you really wanna catch it early.

  • You should because it's something you want to do. I could argue that it's literally always dope as hell because it's either really attractive or really badass or both, but never none, but that's all really irrelevant because my main point is do it for you. Fuck everyone else. If they don't like it they can die mad about it. (They'll probably like it tho.)