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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • From an ethical standpoint, in the modern world, not teaching your children how to pirate is being an irresponsible parent. Not just because the "download stuff for free" aspect of piracy, but because piracy is associated to a number of moral and ethical decisions and tenets that also form important ideologies. Getting ready access to information, and being capable to redistribute information, for example, is a key element to anti-fascism ideologies which is why eg.: punk places an emphasis on radio. Being able to fight your own fights instead of only trading on the currency (digital or otherwise) other people impose on you is a core element of both digital and physical sovereignty, which is one of the reasons why stuff like KYC laws or banning of sex workers in economic operations have to be fought against.

  • It is dangerous when the population of pirates to increase, because this will cause things and create domino effects which will put us at nash equilibrium due to more regulation of piracy and a crackdown of piracy,

    Nuh-uh. DRM and draconian laws were already being passed own without piracy, or when piracy was at a low. This also falls into the fallacy that DRM and laws on that line are exclusively the result of piracy - they are not, they come from military / corporate authoritarianism, see for example the effects of 9/11 (the US one, not the Chilean one, although they do also are related in this respect).

    tl;dr: Everyone benefits if more people pirate.

  • As someone who has a V1, I'd say: only if you can somehow get it for free or for a very low price. (you mention €300, I'd say I wouldn't pay more than €180 for it in 2024).

    The hardware is dated (the GPU was half-deprecated when it came out, and that's the only part of the hardware the scene got to break through), your SD card port is going to have a notoriously low life expectancy so you'll be relying on a PC or an Android with USB to perform any important adjustments, who knows what conditions the unboxed ones have been kept in since the Old Times, and for jailbreaking it you have to check that you can get one on low enough firmware to jailbreak software-only. Otherwise you're having to get into modchips, RCM clips et al.

  • No idea if that's the case but they certainly seem to have been made with the same mentality. FOSS has for a while suffered of what I call the "Icaza pest", trying to bring the Microsoft way of design and programming into Linux. The results and troubles this causes abound, considering eg.: the fart that has been Gnome themes since 3.x, or the Gnome posturing back in the day that "users have no right to change their settings" when modernization of Gnome-terminal, and how it'd interact with stuff like screen and dtach, were discused.

  • People who own a Switch, let’s take this to extremes, do you feel like in 20 years from now you can still do the same things on your hardware as you can do now? (No multiplayer is fine)

    No chance.

    Not only it is unlikely that the hardware will last that long, the supplies for hardmodding it likely won't either, and in 20 years there won't be enough of a community interest to support hardmodding services unless some sort of master keys are leaked. And without hardmodding, the only Switches that you can install whatever you want on are very ld ones that were released with firmware 3.x or something, which are also less capable hardware and lower quality joycons.

    Heck, if I had to bet on 5 years more instead of 20, I'd flat out sell my Switch and buy a Steam Deck 2.0 as soon as they release.