nothx [he/him]

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • nothx [he/him]toneurodiverseADHD without meds?
    4 months ago

    Notification blindness (what I like to call it) on my devices is something that I deal with as well. I have started using physical medium and visual queues instead now. I have a whiteboard in my kitchen on/next to my fridge where I put to-do lists, daily/weekly chores, various short term reminders, and even calendar events. I cross/check them off when completed.

    I have also began keep two sections of my journal. One is the journaling section and the other is a space for quick notes or status updates on projects/tasks. When I’m on the go I will use the journal and then when I get home try to promptly add it to the whiteboard if applicable.

    It’s not easy to stick to the routine long enough to create the habit, but I’ve found that doing things on physical medium helps me immensely. Having it written down and hanging right there in my face keeps me honest.

    I don’t know if this works for everyone or if it fully applies to your post, but it felt like a good thing to share and hopefully you can adapt some portion to your situation.

  • I was talking to some people recently about how I avoid social activities sometimes because I worry will be hard to sit through some kinds of thing.

    This is one of the behaviors that I didn’t realize could be attributed to my neurodivergence. I would expend so much energy forcing myself into social situations that I wanted nothing to do with. Then I end up staying way too long because I fear the optics of leaving.

  • This is so fucking funny! They are blaming it on the “Venezuelan gang”. Hahahahhahaha

    'We're just trying to share our homes, make a decent living and just, you know, have a normal life.'

    Oh fuck off, being a land owner isn’t a job. Eat shit, Karen.

  • As a kid I was diagnosed with ADHD and later in life began to recognize anxiety and OCD tendencies which I know many times are all related.

    I never really considered that all 3 of these things were disabilities until very recently, but the past 2-3 years it’s really become obvious how debilitating these conditions have been for me and can be for others.

    I have a partner who was very understanding and receptive to the way I am and eventually led them to acknowledge similarities in their own mental health struggles and seek a diagnosis as well.

    Now we are both extremely in tune with our various neurodivergent behaviors and working to assist each other in tough times and embolden each other in the better times.

    That all said, I’m happy to be here and looking forward to a great new community!
