Exhibit A has arrived I see
Exhibit A has arrived I see
Well I aint never meeting you irl, and actually actionable political actions are never done online so that's also an effectively meaningless thing.
Or what? My anonymous forum name might lose internet points?
True, but there's a very specific hyper-online pack of people on twitter to whom politics is something you do on the internet and nowhere else who I cannot imagine actually living in society with other people and those hyper exclusionary types like that aussie bitch with the glasses and such SCREAM bpd at me
Certain segments of left Twitter was too okay with bipolars and other people with mental and emotional issues dictate the conversation. No offence to those dealing with such shit but their emotional volitility and blatant uncoolness prevents anyone from seeing the far left as anything besides a pack of diseased LARPers crying about their lack of popularity inbetween the 80th party split that day
I didn't do any of that shit, nor did any of the people I love
Sorry I care about my life and the lives of the people I love over Gunther Hermann over in Germany or whoever, but literally everyone except people who are terminally disconnected from life share my same feel
Reminds me of how BDSM porn is technically illegal in the UK.
Shit guess that dude from Pascal's sub sluts is a criminal there, lol
You done? You get hard posting like a somethingawful poster from 2004 or you wanna puke some more trash onto the web?
This. Nobody has ever respected a self-deprecator. People who post that kinda shit aughta slither out of here and let us mop up the slime trail of loserness behind them
do you eat flavorless porridge and do nothing for pleasure that doesn't benefit the whole? No? Lol, then stfu
Jagged orbit too, Man was a fucking dark wizard with how much shit he got right
Look how they flee. Estrogen filled cowards and weaklings when encountering any real resistance.
motherfucker I'm me and I got one shot at life shut the fuck up my life does matter more than anyone else's it's the only one I got
cool ill smile as i get murdered, again as some guy i never met MIGHT (and absolutely in all likelyhood won't, kek if you think socialism is t ll likely anywhere right now) have a slightly nicer life
Bloomer brain: This happening would almost assuredly result in the irreversible decline of US hegemony and power and the evaporation of their empire and lead the way to socialist revolutions in other countries having a chance.
oh sweet some other guy in some other country i've never been to might have a nice time im so overjoyed ill laugh through my chainsaw liveleak execution I guess
Yeah, interact with them- not let them spill all their personal hang-ups all over the movement.
Rn there's a shitload of morons on twitter coming at Lee Carter for having been a vet. This is despite Lee being an elected official who has done more than any catgurl twitch dweller who leaves the house twice a week and gets more texts from postmates than from other human beings has done to help advance the cause of working people in this country