peppersky [he/him, any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • i find these communities to be useless, bad, toxic and mostly just miserable all around and would gladly do without them, but this is obviously something that should have been discussed openly and any decision should have been made by vote

  • i cant believe that there was a time where if the weather was right you could get radio signals from halfway across the planet from the radiowaves getting bounced in the stratosphere. just turn the dial and suddenly you have chinese radio right next to your usual programs. nowadays when everything is available at all times and everything looks and sounds the same there is just no soul to any of it. unironically born in the wrong generation. although nowadays you can catch transmission from weather satellites and download images from them, which is also cool. the internet and most digital media is just uncool

  • peppersky [he/him, any]toMovies & TVThe Wrath of Khan at home.
    4 months ago

    the khan episode of the original series is so cool and the movie is great too. the whole eugenics war backstory feels so evocative for something that's just a backdrop for a singular episode of a show they didn't even know would turn into something as beloved as star trek.

    ill also always love the fact that lenard nimoy was like "okay ill do the stupid movie but only if you kill my character so ill never have to do play him again" and then went like "oh actually..." after the movie turned out great. kind of a shame that they brought him back at all with just how fantastic the entire ending sequence to wrath of khan is.

  • People should pick apart things, people should be critical of the things they consume (most of it is absolute fucking trash anyway, what do you expect from late-stage capitalism). The problem is that gamers just completely lack the critical thinking skills to actually engage with the medium in any productive way. The vast majority of gamers and game journalists view and engage with media as if it was a piece of consumer electronics, like it was a fridge or a stove that had one specific function (that function being "to entertain") and its quality lies only in whether it can perform that function with the least amount of friction for the least amount of effort. For them games are not art or cultural artifacts, but any value they have lies completely in what mindless entertainment they can provide.

  • peppersky [he/him, any]tomusicFugazi - Waiting Room
    4 months ago

    good song, i was going to write something about how impressed i always was that fugazis debut ep was so fully formed, but after looking them up on wikipedia i learned that their frontman had been active for ten years by that point and was also the frontman for minor threat. hmmm