prolepylene [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2021

  • In the last year or two we've finally hit a point in the United States where the price, availability, and reliability of solar assemblies makes solar farms cheaper and more reliable than fossil fuel plants, and where individuals could get solar panels installed in the roof of their home or business for the cost of a used car.

    This tariff throws that progress away. So much for the Biden regime's stance that market mechanisms will solve climate change.

  • It is also worth noting that of that 900 million acres, only a portion of it goes towards food for humans or livestock. Most of the corn and soybeans grown are used industrially for ethanol, lubricants, acids, starches, and rubber. We also grow things like tobacco, medicines, and cotton, which may be needed, but are not food. A significant portion of corn is also traded as a currency "commodity crop" in a market I don't understand at all.

    If I recall correctly, roughly 40% of farmland is dedicated to food production for livestock, and 2% is dedicated to food for direct human consumption. So assuming you already have all necessities, and only need food without any change to an average american diet, we may need as little as 1.05 acres per person, following your math.

  • Honestly that sounds like a lovely place.

    Fun fact, the original shopping mall in the US was designed by a Bavarian architect who though that Minnesota winters prevented people from developing as strong of a sense of community, and aimed to build an indoor town square. Of course, the project was funded by the Daytons, so they used the spaces primarily for commercial use and left off the part where there was supposed to be attached apartments/housing, but the idea itself really made me rethink what malls can do, in a better world.

  • I think a lot of protest information is shared through instagram. There have been 3-4 events that I'm aware of each week since the attack on Al-Aqsa, and they have all been very well attended.

    Check out the Anti-war Committee and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee(MIRAC), they have been hosting/supporting a lot lately. You can also follow the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Students for Justice for Palestine (SJP) for some student led protests out of the university.

    Fight Back! News also has a lot of after action reports that might give you some ideas of where else to look.

  • My top 9 games that I think are most influential on me, in no particular order:

    • Dishonored
    • Fallout: New Vegas
    • Portal 2
    • Disco Elysium
    • Metal Gear Solid 3
    • Dragon Age: Origins
    • Minecraft
    • Mirror's Edge
    • Persona 5

    Some additional games that I wanted to include but didn't make the cut:

    • Stardew Valley
    • Katamari Damacy
    • Divinity Original Sin
    • Yakuza 0
    • Prey (2017)