robinn_ [none/use name]

“The bourgeois mode of production is the last antagonistic form of the social process of production… but the productive forces developing within bourgeois society create also the material conditions for a solution of this antagonism” — Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2024


  • My insults are actually very straightforward and not revenge for being insulted in the first place. I insulted your intelligence because your replies are unintelligent.

    I think your misunderstanding is a product of your needing to be right alongside poor reading comprehension. You decided to be cemented in your beliefs rather than take a closer look.

    Lastly, check the chronological order and what comments you’re replying to. Please don’t keep replying to me, it’s the same thing over and over again.

  • Alright, you wouldn’t know anything about this. Then there’s nothing else to say.

    I didn’t confirm your assumptions, I already responded to this. Call it a ritual if you like, I don’t care. Genuinely just semantics. The argument comes in when you say that it’s weird and you “don’t like it” (welcome back Kamala!!).

    I never said that. But I will bet you that people who are regulars in those sorts of threads look more favourably on each other.

    So? You could say that for any thread. People interact with each other and share viewpoints and form connections. How sinister!! This is not the same as what you said before. You now this.

  • Your whole attitude towards me from the start was negative and confrontational. I expressed an opinion and you said I should delete my account, called me an idiot, questioned my mental faculties, and then shouted at me in all caps. what kind of response did you expect?

    Just one response with the semblance of a correct point. What did you expect when you got a response to your original comment explaining why it was wrong and decided to smugly misunderstand it and continue digging your hole with awful arguments and bad info?

    Can you get out of your Orwell irony for one second? You admit you know nothing about the site, and yet use irony to deflect from admitting you’re wrong. I’m not asking you to submit to anything, you’re not in a dystopia, you thought there were daily threads where users were expected to say something and there weren’t. There never were. And no “we were always at war with Eurasia” nonsense. Just stop.

  • There is no daily thread, there is no expectation, and unlike the pledge of allegiance, you can’t look around and see people sitting down. Someone not posting in a thread doesn’t necessarily mean anything and I dare you to give me one example of anyone facing anything for not posting that they “love [their] trans comrades” ever in the history of the site.

  • Please don't feel embarrassed.

    Below pedantry.

    keyword: daily. I already compared it to another social situation where something is also not mandatory, but it is expected.

    It’s not expected. There is no expectation that you must post daily, or ever, that you “love your trans comrades.” You compared it to another social situation, I asked for evidence posting in these threads is taken into account somehow like with that example and you said I was in a cult.

    You’re quoting Gribbli for the daily point, but they didn’t literally mean daily. This doesn’t happen daily on like a schedule where you’re expected to post this, or even where anybody posts this. It happens often but if that’s your keyword, your argument is washed. You can access all posts on Hexbear, so tell me where this is posted daily.

    So the thread was a ruse, feigning a daily ritual to provoke those who don't belong in revealing themselves, all the while the ritual's true purpose was obvious for those in the know.

    It’s not a daily ritual. You know nothing about Hexbear and yet you feel like you can critique the site culture. You’re actually embarrassing yourself. No, the point of people posting that they “love their trans comrades” is both to show support and to make the site’s position clear and turn away/root out any anti-trans users. These aren’t mutually exclusive.

    I'm trying to give you an outsider's perspective

    You’re an outsider times two. You’re going off the word of another outsider and extrapolating that to spin up this idea that users saying they love their trans comrades is some daily ritual that users will be rewarded for or punished for not completing. You have no clue what you’re talking about.

  • I’m not behaving like an unhinged zealot, I’m asking you to give evidence of what you’re saying, because what you’re saying is wrong.

    Me not pointing out that your arguments are nonsense is proof you’re right because nobody is arguing against you, but if I do so I am showing the cult-like tendency of attacking disbelievers. It’s all very simple really.

    You’re deflecting. And no, saying something is “cult-like” doesn’t prove it’s “cult-like.” Actually a pathetic attempt to flip the conversation.

  • The cult of personality thing is a joke, there is nobody here with a cult of personality around them. The point they’re making is that this isn’t just a ritual where you turn your brain off and praise __, like multitotal’s 1984 comparison, but that praise comes because the thing is correct and people are understanding that on their own.

  • I would genuinely delete your account. Your smugness is so embarrassing. How did you miss the point this obviously? To reiterate what they said, people are not “expected” to publicly affirm anything. They aren’t told to do anything. There is no requirement to post that you “love your trans comrades” like in your Orwell slop. But all this really is no clearer than:

    No one forced anyone to ever post in those threads! Why would you feel imposed upon??

    What they are saying is not that not posting about “loving your trans comrades” is some indication of treachery, because that isn’t a statement in itself, but that people voluntarily enter these posts and go off against trans people and this weeds them out.


  • Multiple comments have gone through bulletin points and explained why they’re wrong. If you can’t engage with specific criticism then don’t defend the article?

    And if you say seriously engaging with criticism will get you a ton of dismissive replies, this is actually what willfully ignoring it will do, and has done.

    You have no idea what communism is. I am 100% certain of that.