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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Just finished No Easy Day by Mark Owens, the autobiography of a Navy Seal who took part in the operation to hunt down and kill bin Laden. Interesting to read about the account if nothing else.

    Also just realised this is my fourth consecutive book about war. Going to do something different next. Maybe some recommendations?

  • "The Things They Carried" by TIm O'Brien. Usually I prefer less of fiction, but it's less of a narrative story of 'what happens next' or 'what is happening' but more of what is happening inside the minds and hearts of the characters, which is something I really like. Favourite story so far is "Speaking of Courage" which tells all the internal conflicts and struggles of someone coming back from war - real powerful and emotional read.

  • Finished Quiet by Susan Cain, finally - shared this as my read here some time ago. As a textbook introvert it wasn't exactly an easy read, emotionally, for me - so often had to put the book down to deal with all the emotions, to process the catharsis or to grieve for what past-me had to go through. But ultimately it was quite a positive read, though I wouldn't say that I agree with everything in the book - especially speaking from a professional perspective, personally I did find a lot of affirmation and validation from the book. I mean, just this morning I declined an invitation to a dinner party with just a slight hint of guilt, haha!

    Reading something of an entirely different feel currently - had to go for something 'light' after the previous read. The Man Who was Saturday, a biography of Airey Neave.