• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The USA has 157 million workers, shuffling 140,000 years of work a day. One in 4 has an idea. One in five of those is a good idea. Two thousand stakeholders can make it an innovative idea. So, they can pump 3.5 years of brute force innovation into the world every single day. That's well over a thousand years of advancement per year.

    Critical mass populations that can keep up with their own development are a serious creative force to be reckoned with. And human evolution has been exceeded by innovation, dramatically.

  • roo@lemmy.onetoneurodiverseMy scrolling addiction + ADHD
    1 year ago

    Change the app icon mode to least information. Can you change icon colours? Make it strange to look at. Make it harder to remember where fast-brain items are.

    Move all the apps around every week.

    Delete some apps to make it less exciting. Put some apps on a different device. Delete default apps, so it's a chore to open things.

    Force yourself to do a rational test before each next scroll. Smell something. Touch something. Hear something. Maybe even taste something.

    Close your eyes. Put the phone down. Ask yourself if sleep would be good? Ask yourself if you truly believe work is more important.

    Turn off wifi and data. Use focus apps and tools.

    Put phone somewhere where it must sit still and charge for many hours. Don't let your hands let it off its leash.

    Don't form or frame Internet thoughts during no-phone time. Push them away as soon as they match something you only do on the Internet or phone. No checking this or that thoughts.

    Do some thinking when it's not phone time. Find ways to enhance thoughts without returning to a phone. Go for a walk, ...

  • I used to have a plugin that mapped how many companies were getting data from the website I was on. I'm not sure if it still exists.

    One eye opener that's easily accessible is going into their Facebook third party data agreements. If it's not turned off they'll probably be shocked about how permissive the data is. Just visiting a website can result in a Facebook agreement to share data with that company. It's one of the reasons apps suddenly know random things you were just talking to somebody about. It gets keyed up instantly and they start that whole analysis of shadow profiles stuff industry experts talk about.

  • Strangely, these stupid religions had a really successful path of delivering some of the most ideal traits possible. Modern, people despise religions, and feel malicious towards good intentions. But, the post-theist world - knock on wood - really knows not to use nuclear weapons. It's amazing that these religious nuts became such epic scientists, and the recipients of their awesome powers somehow maintained the insanely creditworthy ability to hang onto integrity despite whatever storm.

    And weirdly, despite the storm being cult-mania mass-suicide level idiocy they were not even pushed over by a handful of demagogues coming to power in the recent right wing push.

    A lot of that stuff is a freakish coincidence in a world that could have delivered it's own extinction a million times over or more already.

    And there are just as many people earnestly working on removing further blights to humanity - including that of itself and the sins of its development past. Most rational people would have already killed a few million more people a year, but the religious nuts really set up a world that cherishes human life. (Probably a shame they weren't all more interested in wildlife protection)

    It's eroding, obviously, as people leave religion. But they did get it to a level that's been pretty intense considering we live in a world that's normally an absolute warpath of idiot animals.