Didnt say it would be hard. Like said, I acknowledge that its a shitload of money. My point was that most people in tech will be lucky to make literally half of what you assumed tech workers make, and regardless of how you feel tech workers are still exploited employees. How you perceive their work doesn't change the reality of what they do. Its not about whether they "do stuff" or not, its about the fact a lot of them are working 12 hour days, sometimes seven days a week, and not getting paid for all of the extra time and hardship they put in.
Trying to be elitist about who is "more proletariat" is not productive, and sewing these divisions so you can feel more like a "real" proletariat worker is only going to further prevent leftist unity. If you're going to try and have a productive discourse, leave that shit at the door.
I dont even know how to respond to this nuclearly bad fucking take. You cant blame workers for the fuckups of the ruling class. Tech workers aren't enabling landlords, landlords are exploiting tech workers. Capitalism's purpose is to maximize profit, so if there is more profit to be taken, they will take it. Tech workers aren't the ones who benefit from gentrification.
Also, if anything tech isn't praxis then you should probably not bother posting. Focus on doing your "real praxis" and cut the elitism vibe.