• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024

  • Fishman sent her maintenance man to deliver a ten-day eviction notice to her door.

    Yeah, that's not legal. Hope the tenant finds a good lawyer.

    Mun. Code Ch. 5-12-170: Under the 2020 revisions of the RLTO (“Fair Notice Ordinance”), Landlords must provide a tenant that is not in the eviction process: • 30 days of notice to terminate a month-to-month tenancy, decline to renew your lease or raise your rent if you have lived in your apartment for less than six months. • 60 days of notice for the same if you have lived in your apartment for more than six months but less than three years.

    One of the high-points in my life was having a landlord show up with the local sheriffs to try and force an eviction that up until this point had only been verbal. I happily showed them the state's tenant laws that said "30 days after written notice is provided" and had a lawyer friend on speed dial if they had any questions. Landlord got so belligerent that the sheriffs escorted them off instead.

    Also a PSA: If you rent, know your rights.

  • No company is going to legally go to bat for you for $10/mo. I love how Proton nonchalantly calls out the user's dumb move in the article:

    Proton provides privacy by default and not anonymity by default because anonymity requires certain user actions to ensure proper OpSec, such as not adding your Apple account as an optional recovery method. Note, Proton does not require adding a recovery address as this information can in theory be turned over under Swiss court order...

  • I can't even recommend DeWalts corded stuff anymore. In the last few years their warranty service has gone from "It broke and you don't have a receipt? Serial number checks out, we'll send you a new one." to "It broke 3 months into a year warranty and you do have all the receipts? Well, send it in to one of our sketchy third party repair centers for a quote."

    Screw that, I'll just buy another off amazon and return the broke one for far less hassle. And I'll buy a different brand next time.