It's all fun and games until you're their oppressor. Does your theory span species??
It's all fun and games until you're their oppressor. Does your theory span species??
Consider me thoroughly embarrassed.
The commercial is obnoxious as fuck too. They dance around to Get Low by Lil Jon. My mom loves it—although it hasn't changed her grocery habits I think she might just like the song 'cause it's a bop. It probably would not bother me except I worked at a Kroger company store once and they were mean to me so fuck 'em!
Whoa! A rarely used door.
Wondering what Trump is thinking/saying? We've gotta move on! (It would have been highly entertaining)
and loves eliminating state!
I've taken to verbally abusing my microphone whenever an ad plays because I know those fuckers can hear me.
From Bash to Zsh there's very little difference it's a mostly frictionless switch. That being said I would not recommend it because in my experience it's just another thing to configure.
Personally I hate configuration these days, not tryna maintain a litany of dotfiles in my home folder when all it does is frustrate me when I ssh into a different environment or switch computers and things aren't just how I like them.
This being notable only to highlight the idea that it literally doesn't fucking matter the origin except to play some absurd blame game or whatever the fuck. Shit it's almost like we share this responsibility that fundamentally transcends delusional legitimization of State—almost as if we live on one planet together. Fuck.