shoko_babishmo [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2021

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tomovies*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    maybe there's also a little bit of- these things were trying to be countercultural but now they're just...cultural?

    society clearly went in a certain direction so when south park is doing their 'both sides' thing and the joke is "look we're saying the slur!" It's just NOT countercultural. That's the direction we went.

    I don't know. But like aqua teen hunger force, I should watch that. because they made good stuff back then, I'd like to spot the non-cringe.

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tomovies*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I've never watched it but I did watch those other ones and we can all appreciate how much south park and family guy just sucked. It's like this is the kind of shit you cared about? I'm from the future and trust me you'll get over it matt, trey and seth

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    one time there was a bat in the house. Later discovered them living in the soffits. Dad sent me up there to bang on it. One by one, 40 bats zoomed out in front of my face while I stood on the edge of the roof swinging a broom

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tophilosophy*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    ok but that is the illusion. Remember you are only ever thinking your concepts of reality, not reality. So in some divine and super mystical way you are no more your thoughts than the table is your concept of the table. what happens to a table when you die?

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tophilosophy*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    It's a reasonable question but it's very different. First killing yourself doesn't remove you from the cycle of birth and suffering. Second the concept of non-self isn't like death. You already are a non-self, anatma. You have no permanent soul and there is no fixed essence to anything. Dying isn't ending anything.

    So instead of a soul being the religion's continuity it's the cycle of birth of death.

    And the concept of emptiness is more divine and less nihilistic than it sounds. Our experience of the world isn't our experience of the things in themselves but of our concepts of those things. So our awareness of true reality remains false even though we live in it.

    So think about what you're doing when you're meditating, how you're perceiving things, stimuli and emotions without reacting to them, categorizing, or judging them. That is one notion of "emptiness" and you can see it's very different from being dead.

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    my friend and beloved comrade, you should go out and spook yourself. There's lots of great horror but my brain can't completely neutralize the media it's in. So "horror" becomes less and less a feeling and more chasing a genre.

    Is that a word, genre-fication?

    I went exploring a house under construction in the middle of the night and it gave me the correct feeling. Horror is a very psychological thing and I love it but it's also hard to fool your own psychology, By rights a brand new house should never be haunted but the nature of the bare walls, the empty unlived way it echoes, it gave me that spooky feeling of not-being-able-to-put-my-finger-on-it which you literally can't fake.

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    US military recruiters are allowed to schedule meetings with children without their parents awareness or presence. Recruiters are giant pieces of shit. But I guess it's ok to be a giant piece of shit if you're doing it for the armed services.

    If I ever meet a recruiter, I'm going to call them a giant piece of shit to their face and feel great knowing it's objectively the truth

  • Biking is more efficient than walking because of the mechanical advantage of pedaling, right? But it can't possibly hold true for any incline can it? Like no matter what, you are always moving more weight than on foot. So then would the efficiency factor have everything to do with incline?

    I know personally biking up steep hill usually feels harder than walking up it.

    And what about a bike shop during the Wright brother's time? There could not have been enough people who knew how to ride a bike to sustain a business could there?