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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • the "news" i "know" about india is little, some historical "facts" written mostly by uncivilized brutish invaders compacted to youtube videos by part or fulltime streamers. Some other "facts" which sound often bad i sometims mostly have from official media known to promote any "nice" propaganda - that is, depicting other countries worse than the own one so that people do not hunt their own gov with garden forks just to stop the crimes. Well i really "know" nothing about India.

    But beeing proud of culture usually is a good thing, but that is only if it is culture and as such does not(!) base on abuse or similar.

    Maybe what you experience could be a crowd effect that protects the people from seeing what they (group, society) do wrong while at the same time it protects the worst wrongdoers from punishment or at least from getting stopped. Such as it could be a self-sustaining downwards spiral taking more and more and everything down with it slowly increaaing pace. At least what you wrote sounded a slight bit chilling like that.

    It could be hormones and how culture tells you to act or not act on them, or a lack of culture about such, maybe a combination of culture to "support your group" while that support does not always protect integrity of the overall concept of what that culture was meant for. A group of people cheering to each other how good they are might not want to stop cheering for "minor reasons" because it just feels good. While doing wrong things they could "help" each other (which is supposedly a good thing but can do lot of harm too) with arguments that this wrongdoing would be ok or even "good' in this specific moment because of <insert_bullshit_here>. alltogether spiralling downwards doing so more often every day. So all of them can go on wrongdoing while feeling well supported or even falsely feel superior in general.

    however a figure (real/not real?) well known in india once said something like "it is better to calm down and just do your thing than to overreact". (this is the shortes version i've ever tried to compact it to but maybe you get the idea anyway).

    I know for a fact that this is not true,

    i don't know the underlying things that make it a fact, plz share.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWhat are the risks of sharing DNA?
    5 months ago

    All who could have an idea of what to do with it could seek a way to get that data out of every company or gov that have it for their specific reasons, no matter if data was collected lawful or not, or if access to the data is then lawful or not.

    1. search for source of evidences on crime scenes: if one of your relatives happened to have been (related to crime or just bad luck) at a place where later on some evidence was collected, you might cause trouble for them bcs your data is very similar to theirs and that is obvious to laboratories. depending on the the "later on" current state of technology it could affect relatives more than two or three steps away from you. if you live in a country where law enforcement gives a shit about truth and just seeks for one argument to punish just anyone they can point a finger at, that could become a huge problem for the whole family then just because there was data that could have been abused.
    2. illegal organ traders could - once they have access to your data - think you or your relatives could be a source of nice income if a client of theirs happen to pay enough. however you will probably never know as the illegal organ traders are unlikely to ring the doorbell to ask nicely for a contract. How much do you think would a richie in personal needs pay for "spare parts" if those who deliver them wants him to just never ask where it came from ? does it matter if such organ teaders could know a "compatible match" by data only? maybe not because they might know tomorrow or someone might put up an AI to do the matching (does it matter if that matching by AI is correct then? i guess such traders don't really care and their customers probably, but wouldn't that be possibly too late then?)

    For me the latter is actually enough to not willingly give my DNA data to anyone. for no reason. gov might already have it (covid probes had been collected and frozen at least) but actively pushing your data out inzo the world would be insane IMHO.

    Laboratories often use Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange, thus i personally see no reason to NOT believe that any data they have received once in time would - sooner or later - end up rotating uncontrolled in the hands of uncountable criminals waiting for any chance to make quick or huge money out of it.

  • Before pointing to vulnerabilities of open source software in general, please always look into the details, who -and if so - "without any need" thus also maybe "why" introduced the actual attack vector in the first place. The strength of open source in action should not be seen as a deficit, especially not in such a context.

    To me it looks like an evilish company has put lots of efforts over many years to inject its very own overall steady attack-vector-increase by "otherwise" needless increase of indroduction of uncounted dependencies into many distros.

    such a 'needless' dependency is liblzma for ssh:


    openssh does not directly use liblzma. However debian and several other distributions patch openssh to support systemd notification, and libsystemd does depend on lzma.

    ... and that was were and how the attack then surprisingly* "happened"

    I consider the attack vector here to have been the superlfous systemd with its excessive dependency cancer. Thus result of using a Microsoft-alike product. Using M$-alike code, what would one expect to get?

    *) no surprises here, let me predict that we will see more of their attack vectors in action in the future: as an example have a look at the init process, systemd changed it into a 'network' reachable service. And look at all the "cute" capabilities it was designed to "need" ;-)

    however distributions free of microsoft(-ish) systemd are available for all who do not want to get the "microsoft experience" in otherwise security driven** distros

    **) like doing privilege separation instead of the exact opposite by "design"

  • smb@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw
    6 months ago

    woman would take care for a literal horse instead of going to therapy. i don't see anything wrong there either.

    just a horse is way more expensive, cannot be put aside for a week on vacations (could a notebook be put aside?) and one cannot make backups of horses or carry them with you when visiting friends. Horses are way more cute, though.

  • looking at the numbers of 100milllion fatalities in 100years ...

    I guess those 25000 fatalities per day only by not enough food are mostly capitalism ripping off other nations resources worldwide, overfishing a.s.o., right? https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/losing-25000-hunger-every-day

    Well for 25000 a day, 100 million is ... like 4000 days, which is roughly 11 years only by intentionally exhaustively wrong distribution of resources. that of course excludes the death due to insecure working conditions, food poisoning, lack of medical treatment, accidents due to child labour, death due to environment poisoning, the extra wars only fought for oil, extra wars only fought to get rid of old and outdated ammunition a.s.o.

    that is, until proven otherwise i'll consider that movie possible pro communist propaganda.

  • i have to admit, that my point 'just don't do it' in reality does not garantee to prevent any trouble. it still is possible to be sued for things someone else did.

    also one suggestion to think about:

    if the seller just sprays some random changes over a book for every sold version, one would have differences in "every" sold version to every other sold version. by blindly changing those parts to something else you could reveal which exact two/three versions you had for diffing.

    UPDATE: someone else here had the same thought a bit earlier...

    my suggestion to not do it stays the same ;-)

    it could be interesting to figure things out how they work, what could be done to prevent or circumvent such prevention, but actually doing it seems risky no matter what.

  • have a look on "snowdrop" (search together with "steganography"), its basically the opposite of what you want, but worth mentioning here. watermarks could be placed into whitespace (not limited to actual spaces or linebreaks, intentionally changed usage of paragraphs, tabs or even page boundaries could possibly be detected after scanning andeven after OCR. IMHO snowdrop uses -depending on choosen operation mode- small errors like misspelled words, commata etc but also has a mode that comes along with fine grammar and without misspelled words...

    how do you make sure that by diff'ing two versions you do cover "everything' that has been deliberately placed into both documents but share literally the same informations?

    lets say you bought two books at two different stores with two different watermarks. if the watermark contains the date and time of the purchase and the only difference of this were the minutes because you bought them within the same hour, the remaining watermark would point to all buyers that bought exactly this book in this hour - worldwide. but still it could be "very" precise depending on all other(!) buyers, if they exist at all within that timeframe. what if the watermark includes unix epoch? then the part which is the same in both watermarks would not be bound by hours, but by seconds, 10seconds, 100seconds etc.

    and you could not know if there were other watermarks hidden that just happened to be the same for your two (three.?) purchases (same country, continent, payment method, credit card holder name, name of internet provider used during purchase, browser used etc.) it fully depends on the creator of the watermark what would be included and what not. if you happem to know all that (without any possibleexemptions) you might be on the safe side, but if not...

    my general suggestion here is:

    • if you want to be sure to not getting into trouble, then just don't do it.
    • if that book is too expensive compared to its content, just not buying it possibly also helps the market to fix the problem.
    • save that time and instead help those who already fight for a better world.
    • search already licence free books (or such as "cc" licensed) and promote those instead, help improving free resources like openstreetmap, wiki* but do not publish licence-poisoned content there, wtite it yourself, alway.
    • write your own book and publish it free.

    just to mention... the "safe" side sometimes seems limited but maybe is actually not, if you really look at it.

  • just to note and think about:

    1st: maybe profits are the stories what companies make up for tax offices and thus they shrink constantly just to pay less, nowadays often due to "licenses" beeing payed to same-company-substructures that are then taxed in tax-havens at a fixed shamingly low rate per year no matter how much it actually was.

    2nd: maybe managers pay themselves huge boni for enabling the company to save huge amounts of taxes (see 1st above), thus average (not median) income rises (not asked in the question though)

    3rd: maybe banks print more money for richies to let you work for basically free for them, thus things get overall more pricy thus gdp rises.

    4th: maybe its economists "job" to come up with complex artificial stories and mathmatical calculations to make governments and "you" believe that you actually "profit" from beeing ripped off. (not asked for this answer too, but is included in the answer however)

    maybe, just maybe ;-)

  • smb@lemmy.mltothe_dunk_tankIt's just that simple
    7 months ago

    ok, hm i'm still a bit new to lemmy and how it works, guess i have to look more closely on communities and what they are for.


    "isn't irony there to be ironed out?" 🤔 (i love word jokes)

  • smb@lemmy.mltothe_dunk_tankIt's just that simple
    7 months ago

    I see the simpleness in the argument.

    yet not building something because its products cannot be sold overpriced is a rule in cap, not a problem in soc.

    However here's a map for you to view the "success" rate of pumping more and more:


    and "measurements are in cubic kilometers"

    lately i saw a documentation about farmers in the us. poor people, literally loosing everything build up for many generations only due to the groundwater abuse. and no, digging deeper wells is not "always" an option, it stops serving, when there is no groundwater any more (surprise!). and the rain does not fill it up again as fast as it is pumped out for profit. and in the end, the only "profit" you get literally is dust in the wind. what a gain!

    well ("well", what a word joke here) now i just guess you got the order and texts of the pictures in the meme a "slight" bit wrong.

  • you can copy your system live, but that would involve other tools than dd too.

    with dd when copying the whole device (instead of just partitions) everything gets cloned. This includes uuids, labes, lvm devices with the names of their lv and vg names and raid devices in case you have any. all of these (c|w)ould collide unless the original disk was taken out or either the new or old disks labrls uuids etc are previously to the boot changed to prevent collusions or accidently mounting/booting the original partitions. also if (!) you use device names i.e. in fstab, crypttab, scripts or such, like with the uuids things could break. also you might have to take action for your bios to actually boot from the stick. most people disable usb boot on notebooks for security reasons.

    using dd, cloning the full disk to the full stick, then removing the original disk + set bios boot setting might work out of the box, i'ld try that first as it takes only the effort to boot from another os to do the dd-copy offline (preventing filesystem damage while copying).

    a live copy could be done by cloning only the partition layout and bootloader, then setting up new filesystems (with new uuids) and new lvm group/volumes etc if any, copying original disk using rsync then (maybe "bind" mounting to separate partitions if needed), then adjusting boot config to match new uuids/labels. This could be done while running the system to be copied, but of course even running rsync twice might lack some updates of currently open files by sth like desktop programs or logfiles.

    Without knowing the exact setup, only limited answers can be given, but you have to make sure the boot process will work, so at least the boot loader (grub?) and its files will be needed, which -at least in the past and for old lilo/grub- could not reside at some position on the disk after some "high value" like some number GBs. if that limitation is still there, your new exact partition layout on the usb stick might be relevant for success, but try/error should give you the hints you need.

    you might use "language models" for getting hints, but they are language models, not friends, their "solution" might break your system and delete your data, and they are trained to say they are sorry afterwards, but the are'nt sorry, its just a sequenze of probabilities and words to them not more.

    So always only work on data that has been backed up and prooven to be suitable for you to recover everything you need from scratch, no matter if friends, language models or lemmy users assist you ;-)

    UPDATE: just learned that batocera is "designed" to be just copied to usb stick and run from there, so it will most likely already include everything you need. best is to follow their instructions how to create the usb stick to boot from. if you already have it running from partition, you most likely can copy your current data using rsync. but beware, if you have two copies with the same uuids (partition +usb) that might not work as expected.