stimmystimstim [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2021

  • You could have just stopped at the fact you don't care. Like honestly what is even the point of going on about any of this when you didn't even bother to know the details of what happened? What is the point of endlessly fishing around for ways to discredit people? Is it just so we don't have to acknowledge indifference and apathy aren't actually signifiers of being the big bad arch socialist? I really think on some level people really prefer the narrative that everything is sabotage, grifters and enemy infiltration. It is so much more flattering than saying you didn't try because you didn't care.

  • Forcing the vote was literally a DSA a plan to begin with, like I can't with this anymore because the situation had DSA members themselves pointing out the org was not paying attention or even trying to implement its own agenda. It's like schrodinger's organizer or something where nobody on the left seems to care what you actually do. It's just a bullshit version of pulling rank on people. We're just going to pretend people like Brie aren't also DSA and that FTV wasn't being championed by a bunch of activist when by our own logic they would also deserve credit for the shit everyone is in here celebrating.

  • stimmystimstim [none/use name]topoliticsInteresting point
    3 years ago

    It's really dumb. Millenial Sinema is just Pete. All the change really amounts to is you'll have more pinkwashing from younger democrats and someone who runs an account like that anarchist defense industry goon will eventually get in. Same when the zoomers come in and it'll at most just be the occasional enby coming down the exact same pipeline.

    Narratives like this should've died when Kirsten and Kamala combined for zero primary votes, they are only a couple years apart from Lori Lightfoot who now lives in a tin cop fort so the millenials and gen xers don't get her.

  • I guess michael moore was right that the winning strategy would just be to take beloved celebrities and run them. hypothetically if you had enough celebrities running you could probably bypass most of the party system and have political coalitions that roughly align with fandom demographics.

  • After reading into this it doesn't seem like there are any measures to stop datacenters destroying the currency. They talk about making home mining possible again blah blah blah, but you have people buying bulk 12tb hard drives to enter a market where someone with exabytes of storage can enter at any time and kill everything overnight.

  • Given a lot of America never had real lockdowns or already gave up restrictions months ago I have to wonder if it was just the stimulus checks tiding everyone over. Once the last checks hit and there was no talk of a fourth round it seems like violence immediately skyrocketed.