She/Her Computer programmer, sometimes I do "art" but the software makes me look better than I am. :) MTF Trans not out. Pics and art CG - CC-by-4. Initial posts are mine. I play D&D 5e and many other TTRPGs and have a collection of old RPGs. Mastodon:

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Larian Studios (30% owned by Tencent) was attempting to buy D&D. They weren't able to afford it, and to they pulled Tencent into the negotiation. I don't know if that means Hasbro actually is interested in selling - though it's hard to see a world where they're not.

    However, Wizards of the Coast is saying that they don't intend to sell, as of an hour ago: