syzygy [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2020

  • syzygy [none/use name]tomainThis was a fun read.
    4 years ago

    We here at 60 Minutes will bring you the cold, hard, just-the-facts reporting about how close the US and Iran came to war. We'll begin with a tearjerker video from some army officer telling his son he loves him.

    It's all so blatant.

  • Recently did it for the first time with some friends, so by no means experienced, but the best idea I had was to put on a nice hearty slow cooker meal (it helps if you have a slow cooker with a timer and keep-warm function) before starting. By the time we were coming down it was ready to eat and was the most satisfying meal ever. And it meant no fussing with cooking, ovens, that kinda thing.

    Oh and have lots of different sensory experiences lined up, we tried a bunch of different snacks and candies, materials with different textures, and obviously tons of music. Just be careful if listening on YouTube or whatever, some music videos can be bad vibes, other than that have fun, it's been a highlight of my year so far. :-) I'm looking forward to doing it again sometime with a higher dose too.

  • I think the normal advice applies: an IRL commune formed by people who met online has self-selected to be comprised of people crazy enough to join an IRL commune of people who met online. Not that there's some genuine distinction between online and "real life," but there are probably hundreds of online communities where this sort of thing has appeared to gain traction only to then sputter out of life or spiral out of control.

    You'd be better off by finding like-minded people in real life first, as the trust levels involved are pretty high.

  • Nevertheless, the results are promising, GPT-2 was able to understand the underlying philosophy, the different relations that exist within those revolutionary theories and the different actors.

    For the love of everything: this is not what GPT-2 (or GPT-3 which is the new hype) is doing. There is no understanding taking place and the better way to explain GPT to laypeople is that it's like a text-completion engine on steroids.

    Still cool though. Let us free ourselves from the labor of posting!