• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Second attempt that factors in cheating.

    from numpy import median
    from random import choice
    from pprint import pprint
    # Functions
    get_mode_coin = lambda x: int(median(x))
    def pick(player, wants):
        for neighbor in players:
            if player != neighbor:
                neighbor_purse = players[neighbor]["purse"]
                if wants:
                    if wants in neighbor_purse: # Cheat
                        players[play]["purse"] = players[play]["purse"] + [wants]
                players[play]["purse"] = players[play]["purse"] + [choice(neighbor_purse)]
    # Main
    players = {"p1" : {"purse": [1,0,1], "wants": False}, ## playing fair
               "p2" : {"purse": [0,0,1], "wants": 0}, ## cheating
               "p3" : {"purse": [1,1,0], "wants": 1}, ## cheating
               "p4" : {"purse": [1,1,0], "wants": 0}, ## cheating
               "p5" : {"purse": [0,0,1], "wants": False}}   ## playing fair
    for play in players: ## Players pick a desired coin from each of their neighbours
        pick(play, players[play]["wants"])
    print("First picks:")
    for play in players: ## Players collapse their collections to mode
        players[play] = [get_mode_coin(players[play]["purse"])]
    print("Last modes:", players)
    print("Final choice:", get_mode_coin([x for x in players.values()]))

    So, my method doesn't work

    1. Everyone tosses three coins, and posts it in the chat
      • If a player tosses three of the same, they have to toss again.
    2. Everyone chooses the mode coin from their neighbour, and adds it to their stack
    3. Each player, with 3+N coins, picks the mode coin in their own collection.
      • Ideally: the player's own bias, is outweighed by the other player's biases.
    4. The final coin is the mode of all players coins.
    from numpy import median
    from pprint import pprint
    players = {"p1" : [1,0,1],  ## playing fair
               "p2" : [0,0,1],  ## cheating
               "p3" : [1,1,0],  ## cheating
               "p4" : [1,1,0],  ## cheating
               "p5" : [0,0,1]}   ## playing fair
    print("Initial rolls:")
    get_mode_coin = lambda x: int(median(x))
    get_all_mode_coins = lambda x: [get_mode_coin(y) for y in x]
    for play in players: ## Players add the mode coin from their neigbours
        players[play] = players[play] + get_all_mode_coins(players.values())
    print("First picks:")
    for play in players: ## Players collapse their collections to mode
        players[play] = [get_mode_coin(players[play])]
    print("Last modes:", players)
    print("Final choice:", get_mode_coin([x for x in players.values()]))

    Which as you can see, is no better than simply picking the median coin from the initial rolls. I thank you for wasting your time.

  • There is a sci-fi short story whose name escapes me of a spaceship using some new FTL drive, but has largely been untested due to an impending doom. The math is said to be solid, however.

    Anyway the drive powers up, and the spaceship jumps, and.... all the crew and passengers are left behind, choking in space.