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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023

  • It really depends on the producers. On one hand netflix is greenlighting everything it can hoping to get a new Squid Game, killing everything that does not become viral in the first season. But then you have series like Fargo, not even producing a season per year, while maintaining the quality constantly stellar over 10 years.

    Has the amount of disposable tv series increased? Absolutely. Has the number of overall series increased? Also yes. I cannot tell you the ratio between shallow/complex, but saying that "nothing new is made anymore" is just wrong.

  • In Discovery, instead of honorable warriors, the klingons are a bunch of sneaky backstabbing and coward warriors. They also don't look like klingons at all, both in appearance and architecture, the speak like their mouth is full of potatoes and for some reasons they make ships out of coffins.

    I'm not against change, what I don't like is calling another thing with its name just because you get to be part of a franchise. The only thing they have in common with klingons of other series is the language and that they want to kill. All the modifications they made, just for the sake of it, makes it look like they wanted to use the standard scifi appearal of standard bad aliens and just put the name "klingons" on it. No surprise they reverted this change and discarded all of this in season two.

    Btw "the klingons started growing their hair again" might be the single most stupid line I've ever heard in a Trek show, especially considering the reason why it was said.

  • I feel like the problem with Discovery is the same of the warp 10 episode in Voyager. A bunch of people create the most OP way of travelling and barely use it, and don't tell me that the ship is unique and Stamets is the only person in the universe in the following centuries to be able to use it, because that just doesn't make any sense, it's a cheap trick to justify why such an incredible technology has never been mentioned after, not even by a super villain that gives no crap about genetic augmentation.

    At least with Voyager you could just write it off as a badly written episode, but you cannot ingore a whole series. Yes even TNG had some magical guy make the ship travel fantaszilion light years, but at least it was out of their control and they could not exploit it.

    Also, Trek shows have not been the most consistent ever, but Discovery really went their way on completely distegarding every Star Trek lore existing in the first season which, personal theory, is a major reason for the writers to "get rid" of the ship at the end of season two. Discovery just did not make sense in the universe created by the othee series, to put it where it does no more damage.

  • It's just bad writing. They could literally all come back to earth, get the same injection Tom and Janeway had and in a couple of days they would be back to Earth. That is without considering that warp 10 was a side project of a lone helmmen stranted on the other side of the galaxy, just think what the best federation scientists would do with the appropriate reaources, in a couple of years they would eliminate any adverse effect.

    You can't just drop one of the most relevant scientific breakthrough of the century as a story for a single episode and then completely forget about it.

  • All of the Star Trek show, especially TNG, Voyager and Emterprise, because I've watched them so many times when I was a kid at my grandparent's house.

    I was fascinated by the various captains. They were always so smart, capable, full of resources, curious, charismatic and generally great leaders, mostly coherent with their morals. They were basically badass scientist explorers and I identified so much with them without even realizing it.

    Now whenever I find myself in any leadership position, I ask myself what they would do. I could choose to be logical and intellectual like Picard, empathetic like Janeway or brave like Archer. This shaped me more than I could ever imagine.

  • Tv and movies: streaming services have buggy and badly developed apps, random connection issues and sometimes shitty quality because of browsers DRM madness (looking at you Prime Video). Regular televion has too much ads. If I want to see something comfortably sometimes it's just better to browse your folder of .mp4, in full quality and with no interruptions.

    Games: either 2000s era games you literally cannot buy anymore or games that keep releasing broken and unfinished remasters and enhanced versions and that pump up so many DLCs you would end up broke to have a somewhat complete experience. Or games you can buy but with the original price and that are more maintaned by the community than the developers (looking at you 25€+DLC codMW2 full of hackers with iw4x servers working perfctly)

  • https://libraryofbabel.info/

    The Library of Babel contains every permutation of 3200 characters pages, organized in rooms, shelves and books. It contains every work ever written by mankind, it contains the (brief) story of how you will die and of all the ways will not die. It is mostly gibberish but you can search for some pecific text. It's not yet completed as that would require all the pages to be combined na permutated between themselves, but there could literally be some new discoveries inside waiting to be read, and of course a whole lot of wrong knowledge

  • If you really don't have anything metal in your house (metal sinks or any appliance with an outer metal shell that should be grounded), grab an extension cord, cut it and completely remove any cable that is not the yellow and geeen one, that is the earth cable (assuming in Australia that is the correct color scheme), expose that wire and touch it to discharge. Make sure the other cables are in no way exposed. If yoy want to be extra safe, buy a plug and only connect the earth cable.

    /s of course, don't do that unless you know your way around AC power