throw42069at [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2022


  • throw42069at [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 11
    3 years ago

    Saying that Nazis are gonna be shooting civilains while they are escaping through humanitarian corridors that have been negotiated between both Russia and Ukraine

    Where did I say that? I am only providing relevant video showing Azov Nazis killing fleeing civilians in response to a comment talking about Azov Nazis killing fleeing civilians. Where did I say that this will happen at the official humanitarian corridors? You are putting words in my mouth!

    The video footage is from February 26. I explicitly stated that it's from February 26. Nowhere did I say that on March 3, Azov Nazis are killing fleeing civilians at official humanitarian corridors.

  • throw42069at [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 11
    3 years ago

    Really? Then why was the cameraman shot at when he tried to flee? Why did the cameraman feel the need to flee? Why did the cameraman curse under his breath as he saw that the car in front of him was pulled over, its occupants violently dragged out, and shot? Why where there so many vehicles clogging up the road in the middle of the night?

    Replying to your ninja edit, this is Mariupol, Feb 26, not Kharkiv. I never stated that it is Kharkiv. I only posted it because it is relevant to the discussion.

  • throw42069at [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 11
    3 years ago

    grim rumours about Nazi fucks shooting fleeing civilians.

    one of the videos of Azov thugs pulling people trying to flee Mariupol out of their cars and executing them:

    Mariupol, Feb 26 2022

    CW: murder, screaming, gunfire, cameraman getting shot at

  • throw42069at [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 11
    3 years ago

    The tweet that was posted was barely 'information'. It is simply atrocity propaganda against Russia. It also insinuated that the Russian government is on the brink of collapse, which is objectively false.

  • throw42069at [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 11
    3 years ago

    Why are you posting tweets from an anticommunist?

    For an example of the shit they post:

    And the replies are always filled with Ukraine flags

  • IANAL but to me, this looks (hopefully unintentionally) much more insidious (emphasis mine):

    It shall be prohibited for operators to broadcast or to enable, facilitate or otherwise contribute to broadcast, any content by the legal persons, entities or bodies listed in Annex XV, including through transmission or distribution by any means such as cable, satellite, IP-TV, internet service providers, internet video-sharing platforms or applications, whether new or pre-installed.

    So one way to interpret this is that all ISPs are currently violating this simply by enabling end-to-end-encrypted communication. Any service that would enable or facilitate sending RT streams (ie encrypted communication) are violating this.

    Heck, even hosting a blog platform where someone posts a screenshot of the RT website would be in trouble. Cloud providers might have to close the accounts of a significant portion of their customers to cover their behinds.

    This article must be revised (or even revoked). I’m certain that it is unconstitutional in more than one EU country.

  • throw42069at [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 11
    3 years ago

    OSCE report on the Azov terrorism: CW: NSFL descriptions

    This is one of the videos of Azov thugs pulling people out of their cars and executing them: CW: murder, screaming, gunfire, cameraman getting shot at

    I am not going to link the crucifixion video holy fucking shit. Just search up "Azov Battalion crucifixion" if you really want to see it (you really don't)

    Really recommend you read the OSCE report, it describes in detail the crimes and atrocities that were committed against the local populations by the Azov Battalion.