• 66 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I have no idea if there's a "normal" way to do it, but in case you don't find anything better and if you're willing to spend a bit of time tinkering, an option could be writing a kate plugin. I did it only once, so my knowledge is extremely poor, but it should be possible to connect to the "text selected" signal, and everytime some text is selected, you read the text document and search if there's a comma or a period etc and in case select the whole number

  • Other answer seems to suggest that the problem is that the same podcast can be available, depending on where and who is listening to it, with different length due to different ads injected into. Here's my probably stupid and completely ignorant suggestion: instead of using timestamps for both begin and end of the ads segment, you could use a timestamp for the beginning, and an hash of the first part of "non-ads" segment. I'll try to explain better:

                    ^     |___|

    The xxx is the ads segment, the ^ is the timestamp of the beginning of the ads, the |___| is a small duration segment (for example, 0.5 seconds) right after the ads segment. The data of that segment is hashed and used as "end ads segment indicator".

    On the other device, with a different duration of the ads, you should start hashing it to find the corresponding segment.

    Is this doable or did I just said a bunch of idiot things?

  • Ho taggato tutte le mie foto con digikam, quindi ogni immagine ha dei tag "cani", "viaggi" ecc, e quando voglio trovare una foto in particolare invece di dover scorrere tutte le immagini sperando di ricordarmi bene la data di quando è stata scattata, posso filtrare per tags e trovare la foto che cerco molto più velocemente. Purtroppo non ho ancora trovato una soluzione selfhosted che mi permetta una ricerca di questo tipo