tyler99b [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Yeah iirc stenzek had some code that hadn't made it to the public branch yet and the retroarch devs took it, he said they plagiarized him, they harassed him for a bit after that leading to him quitting duckstation. He started taking community PRs again eventually and I believe works on pcsx2 now but we really almost lost a really good emudev.

  • I did the last presidential but not the midterm, some people say vote in local shit since you get candidates who aren't ghouls and while I'm sure that's true somewhere it sure isn't the case for me. I voted psl Gloria La Riva, was initially gonna do green party but thought if I'm doing 3rd party might as well do the one that actually aligns with my beliefs since there's no shot they win anyways. I've moved now so seems kinda pointless to register just to do 3rd party so I won't unless there's a ballot measure worth voting for.

  • To be fair the sub has essentially devolved into posting anti China and USSR stuff instead of things that actually belong there an given the new head mod saying they are an anarchist and tankies btfo I'd assume you just get branded as a tankie for a lot of things now.

  • tyler99b [he/him]tomainAny of y'all watch Mother! (2016)?
    4 years ago

    It's been a bit so my memory of the plot is fuzzy but to my knowledge it's all biblical allusions, the husband is god, the mother is the earth, the baby is jesus. The earth gets destroyed by humans Jesus dies for their sins and the earth is reborn to presumably get fucked up by people again. Some climate change stuff too I guess.

  • tyler99b [he/him]toanime*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Unfortunately the sub is still horrible, I saw a post while scrolling for drama that said nazi waifus are the best waifus and it had almost 500 upvotes.

  • tyler99b [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Some YouTube / streamer personality who does like leftist rants and (maybe?) debates. Kinda like dirtbag left I guess. He doesn't have entirely shitty views but boy are there some bad ones, especially when it comes to doing intersectionality with your leftist views. You can find some clips of the bad takes in this thread.

  • I think there are merits to the idea but ultimately I don't think it would be worth doing on this site. Like we should be able to convert others to support socialism, its the only way we'll ever get it but the benefit I got from the chapo sub was being exposed to the examples of the damage done by capitalism ( coup in bolivia, war torn regions, people dying domestically due to no health care, etc.) and if we started debating conservatives I think it would dilute a lot of that. An even bigger concern I have is that there's no way conservatives would stick to just debating economic systems and they would absolutely start having people justify the existence of minorities. Some people saw the sub as a genuine safe space for them and I don't think we should take that away.

    Quick addition, people should absolutely consume media outside of this site and I think those who want debates can have them elsewhere, we'll probably have struggle sessions of our own anyways.

  • tyler99b [he/him]toliteratureWhat have you been reading?
    4 years ago

    Yeah that's definitely one I've seen thrown around, I've actually compiled a list from various sources and would love feedback on it if you wouldn't mind.

    • Principles of Communism - Engels
    • Karl Marx - Lenin
    • Socialism: Utopian and Scientific - Engels
    • Wage, Labour and Capital - Marx
    • State and Revolution - Lenin
    • Capitalist Realism - Fisher

    and then I'm thinking of throwing in some sort of history book (currently thinking A People's History of the United States) that talks about all the imperialism America does since it gives him a good foundation to defend any criticisms of the US he might make to other people. Then as some more long term stuff I'm thinking Lenin's "Imperialism, The Highest Form of Capitalism" and some form of media criticism a la Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" or Parenti's "Inventing Reality".