unperson [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • Try this if you have low RAM, I lived with it for months when I had a broken DIMM and had to make do with 4 GB. The difference is incredible.


    #Type Path                              Mode UID GID Age Argument
    w /sys/module/zswap/parameters/zpool	- - - -	z3fold
    w /sys/module/zswap/parameters/compressor	- - - - lz4
    w /sys/module/zswap/parameters/enabled	- - - - 1


    vm.swappiness = 100

    Depending on your workload you may increase swappiness to 200 with good results.

    You need to set up some 8 GB of swap, it's mostly for accounting purposes and will barely get used so it can be anywhere. If you already have zram, disable zram, it's counter productive. Use the swapon command with no arguments to check if you have zram.

  • unperson [he/him]totechnologyAppeal of GNOME DE?
    4 months ago

    I like it because it's designed. It think it's the only DE with actual designers continuously working on it. It has few options and doesn't feel hacked together.

  • Give Yandex a try, it's the only search engine where you can still just enter the keywords you think will be in the text you're searching for and it gives you pages that contain those keywords you typed instead of feeding them into an incomprehensible language model trained to collect ad revenue.

    I also find it's a lot less censored for piracy than everything else.

    I don't know if this is because Yandex is tuned for the russian language, or if it really does work like they used to.

  • I find duolingo extremely effective for recognising and recalling vocabulary. If you complete a course you learn around 2000 words on context with sample sentences.

    Vocabulary is tedious and maybe 1/4 of what goes into learning a language, so I'll go against the common opinion and say it's quite solid. But it does nothing for the other 3/4, you'll never be able to think in Spanish, produce sentences, or understand when you're spoken to with duolingo alone.

  • yay xfce sensors
    3 aur/xfce4-sensors-plugin-nvidia-hddtemp_through_netcat-current 1.3.95-1 (+2 0.00) (Orphaned) 
        Sensors plugin for the Xfce panel with nvidia and hddtemp (through netcat) support
    2 aur/xfce4-sensors-plugin-nvidia 1.4.4-2 (+26 0.00) 
        A lm_sensors plugin for the Xfce panel with nvidia gpu support
    1 extra/xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.4.4-1 (198.8 KiB 808.5 KiB) [xfce4-goodies] 
        Sensors plugin for the Xfce panel
    ==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
    ==> 1
    Sync Explicit (1): xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.4-1
    [sudo] password for unperson: 
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for conflicting packages...
    Packages (8) exo-4.18.0-1  garcon-4.18.2-1  libwnck3-43.0-3  libxfce4ui-4.18.6-1  libxfce4util-4.18.2-1  xfce4-panel-4.18.6-1
                 xfconf-4.18.3-1  xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.4-1
    Total Download Size:    2.66 MiB
    Total Installed Size:  15.76 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 

  • Once upon a time if you pressed F1 on the desktop a full manual showed up that started with "how to use a mouse" and ended with registry hacks. It was contextual so if you were in the calculator it showed information about the calculator.

    Today if you press F1 it opens Microsoft™ Edge™ with a Microsoft™ Bing™ search for how to get help with windows. The results include some shitty youtube videos that somebody uploaded with that exact phrase.

  • I doubt they worried about being condescending, lots of people fear that the official documentation will be too difficult and never read it. The logic is that the docs are arcana written by witches that know how to write programming languages, and the tutorials are written by regular girls that had to struggle to understand the language instead of the syntax just appearing on their heads.

    I pretty much learned how to program from the official Python tutorial. I had been struggling for years before that; I had some notions but I couldn't put together anything really useful. The Python docs got me over the hump precisely because of what OP said: it starts from 0 and builds up until you have enough tools to write whatever project you have in mind. I imagine that having had to design and reason everything about the language actually gives the writer a great sense of how it fits together and what the logical increments are.

    Since then I always go first to whatever the language designers wrote; for example K&R's The C Programming Language, the Rust book, the Postgresql manual, etc, and only once I feel that I know enough I complement it with other sources.

    This approach extends to libraries as well: first I read whatever official docs there are, then I search the source code for the functionality I need to learn about, and only if that fails I look elsewhere.

    It seems like a slow method but it's so reliable that it works out for me. After a while of doing this you become the reference and people come ask you questions.

  • unperson [he/him]tolibreAny good open-source game recs?
    8 months ago
    • mindustry: RTS with production lines. It's got a bit of a learning curve.
    • hyperrogue: roguelike that takes place in the hyperbolic plane. It's more fun to not research how it works and just hit play: you die if a monster touches you, but the game will not let you make a losing move, so you only lose when you're "checkmated".

  • Of course you had to have something to drive the VGA outputs. Usually this meant a VIA, SiS, or Unichrome chip in the motherboard. Those chips often had no 3D acceleration at all, and a max resolution of 1280x1024. You were lucky to have shaders instead of fixed-function pipelines in 2008-era integrated graphics, and hardware accelerated video decoding was unheard of. The best integrated GPUs were collaborations with nVidia that basically bundled a GPU with the mainboard, but those mainboards were expensive.

    Windows Vista did not run well at all on these integrated chips, but nobody liked Windows Vista so it didn't matter. After Windows 7 was released, Intel started bundling their "HD Graphics" on CPUs and the on-die integrated GPU trend got started. The card in the picture belongs to the interim time where the software demanded pixel shaders and high-resolution video but hardware couldn't deliver.

    They left a lot of work for the CPU to do: if you try to browse hexbear on them you can see the repainting going from top bottom as you scroll. You can't play 720p video and do anything else with the computer at the same time, because the CPU is pegged. But if you put the 9500 GT on them then suddenly you can use the computer as a HTPC. It was not an expensive card, it was 60-80 USD, and it was a logical upgrade to a tower PC you already have to make it more responsive and enable it to play HD video.

  • The card in the picture is of a kind that no longer exists: the basic, office computer GPU.

    It got entirely displaced by integrated graphics.

    So in a way they did get smaller, so small that they share a piece of silicon with the CPU. The only cards that remain are those that are so power hungry they can't share power and cooling with the CPU.

  • I've got a hang-over pet policy from when I was a baby leftist to abolish rents on land, but with a twist: Any exchange of money for the use of a property is a sale. It's absolutely financial neoLIB bullshit but I can't take it off my mind.

    The idea being that if, over time, you pay the landlord for maintenance + the value of the house, you get the title for the house, and this is the law and you can go to court, prove that you've paid for rent over however many years, and get the title of the house.

    If you leave before that there'd be some system where the "rent" payments are split equally and you get the value back from whoever is currently living there, because you're selling your share to them. Since the payments are split equally minority "shareholders" leave first. If nobody lives there but you're paying taxes and maintenance, you still paying for the house so you accrue shares of the house.

    I think it might be palatable for neolibs, destroy the value of homes for rent-seeking, but preserve it for construction, which is what libs always complain about when you talk about abolishing rent.