urshanabi [he/they]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Interesting, the link to language is rather brilliant. Question for you comrade, what thoughts do you have on Lenin' mention of a single language and Stalin' piece on linguistics/language? I'll link it below.


    My thoughts are still forming, what immediately comes to mind is the use of pidgin english in colonial china and the forceful push of what is now modern-day french over other languages in the region. Occitan I believe and perhaps Basque (not sure about this one at all) I have a source here but I cannot make any claims about its quality.


    Another thought which came to mind (seeing 'quebec' in the url of the previous link) is Cree which is to my knowledge the indigenous language in kanada with the largest geographical spread, I believe because it was used for communication between indigenous groups (who each had their own languages and cultures).

    Apologies for the rambling, I meant to make a coherent point but instead I wandered off...

  • what's the purpose of using ableist verbiage? the "war on drugs" and folks who consider themselves right or right-leaning use similar rhetoric to expunge people considered 'lesser'. To note this is a subgroup of individuals of conservative ideology, not all. It is important to make the distinction becauuse while I disagree all-the-same, the kinds of disagreements are different and need not be lumped together.

    it's great she has 20 years of sobriety, it is inappropriate to use it as a cudgel to to wield against anyone else who she seeks to demean or otherwise treat unseriously. perhaps some were similarly unfair to her during her time of insobriety, it does not therefore mean she needs to reproduce her treatment onto others.

    "hurt people, hurt people" is a descriptive account of what occurs, not a guidebook on appropriate behavior.

  • fyi mendel was 'rediscovered' and there was a bit of difficulty in having mendelian inheritance work with darwinian natural selection / adaptationism.

    can look up the 'modern synthesis' to learn a bit about it. a marxist who talks about it with a specialty in biology is richaed c lewontin. he has a massey lecture called 'biology as ideology: the doctrine of dna' and you can listen to it on youtube or read the associated publication which is a short book that is a essentially a transcription.

    no biology background needed.

  • contemporary discourse is really a poisoned well, philosophers and scientists i whose work i admire seem to shut off their brains when it comes to lysenko.

    i cant read the stuff you shared, i did read an english translation of i think a committee meeting and it was entirely reasonable.

    they did make references to things i didnt understand, and still would like to go through, like morganism and morgan's work.

    my assessment was lyenko had an appropriate approach to the empirical evidence and methods of the time. hopefully i can try to parse the works you shared. i really find it disapointing that the rather unique conditions of the environment where the task to grow sustenance is almost never mentioned by opponents.