vegangobrr [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2021


  • The foods you mentioned are good; honestly there are tons of recipes online, if you just search "vegan [insert dish here]" you're bound to find great recipes. For general nutrition, just try to eat a good amount of vegetables/some fruit/whatever protein source and you should be good. A sample, easy dish is a veggie stir fry with tofu.

    As for tofu looking weird, I'm unsure if the packages you're getting are just bad, but compare to online images? A lot of people press out the water and then saute it with whatever and it tastes amazing. Treat it like a sponge of flavor; by itself it's just bland, but it's like a canvas for all types of flavors. A really simple way would be to saute garlic with tofu and at the end drizzle soy sauce over it (not for everyone but i love it).

    You can trust the nutritional info on the packets.

    For vegan sandwiches you can try those tofurky deli slices, they're pretty good. There are some great vegan cheeses out there too, you just have to try some and see what you like. For burritos I love rice and beans so sometimes I just eat them with that, but you could of course saute vegetables in small cubes and put some pepper etc and eat it like that.

    For animal products, the weirdest things have them. Like some chips will randomly have milk for example. Just be on the lookout even if you think an item couldn't possibly have animal products/do animal testing.

    For ordering with omnis, I drag them to vegan restaurants, or if I must, try to go somewhere with vegan options. If you have good friends, they'll understand!

    For some good vegan indian dishes check out, and for general asian dishes I like the channel Yeung Man cooking on youtube. Otherwise just try whatever; go off of what you like in your omni diet and convert those to vegan :).

  • vegangobrr [he/him]tomusic*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Agreed, lotsa edgelords try saying they only like Berg or something, and that Beethoven is normie or something, even tho beethoven/his music is forever based

  • vegangobrr [he/him]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Miyoko vegan mozzarella is pretty good for pizza. Sometimes I even make pizza without the cheese, it's still really good (try using a cashew cream type of thing maybe, and san marzano tomatoes to make the tomato sauce bomb!)

  • vegangobrr [he/him]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    When I first went vegan, every now and then I'd accidentally buy animal products, stuff that I had no idea could ever contain dairy. Eventually you'll have a good knack for which things to check/which things you know are vegan! :D

  • vegangobrr [he/him]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Yeah, one of the things to remember is at any scale, to get more milk the mother must be impregnated. And her babies drinking that milk (which is why it was produced) would take away from the profits of selling it, so they will separate the babies from the mothers so as to get as much milk as possible, and then repeat this. Once the cow cannot produce milk anymore/isn't profitable, the cow ends up getting killed for meat, sometimes leather, etc. It's awful. And even small farms' goal is to make money, the local small farms near me all do this (having visited most of them).

    And not to mention all of this views animals as commodities.

  • vegangobrr [he/him]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Of course! If you would like the full context, it's contained here on page 27. At the crux of it is applying post-hoc justification to animal treatment.