vertexarray [any]

  • 359 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Date Nighto was a platform for visual novels that hosted Hustle Cat, Starfighter, and We Know The Devil, through which you could make purchases and such, but that platform has silently disappeared off the web, meaning all those purchases have ceased to be, I guess? I was really surprised to find absolutely no reporting on this. The games are still around, just on steam and itch, but there was no license transfer process afaik or even a warning

  • vertexarray [any]toAnimeJust finished Toradora
    3 months ago

    I didn't make it all the way through the show but I do remember thinking the character-writing was really strong, particularly the way Minori is evasive when it comes to matters of the heart.