How can it replace Google assistant if there is no Google assistant on my phone. (I removed it)
How can it replace Google assistant if there is no Google assistant on my phone. (I removed it)
The berry growth(and ability to plant specific berries). Better bicycles.. way better balance for mon types. The addition of "abilities" was pretty big too, imo. Need i go on?
The day night cycle is about the only mechanic (and headbutting trees) in gen 2 that 3 lacked, but 3 made up for those lacking features with all the other cool stuff like hidden bases and a much richer story (and better puzzles in the gyms[looking at you lt.surge gym...]) Also, gen 1 got a remake on the gba. Gen 1 has it's charm, i grew up playing it but it's a buggy mess and has lots of issues(psychic types being absolutely unstoppable due to basically no weaknesses being programmed in)
Considering gen3 was designed prior to it's release(obv.) it was technically designed as early as 2000(some of gen3 were unused gen1/2 mons)
I know you are trolling, but gen 3 was way better than gen 1+2
Plenty of albums get ripped lossless(typically FLAC) and uploaded to Usenet
That thing "party sicko" is an epilepsy hazard, holy cow.