widuqind [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020

  • vaush has clearly taken up the path of the jestermaxxer by larping as a leftist and posting like a liberal, thereby maximizing the number of people who find him insufferable (which we all know correlates directly with epic basedness)

  • widuqind [she/her]togamesTRAIN GAMES
    3 years ago

    i'm curious about workers and resources too. seems like my kind of thing, but games like that can fall pretty flat if they're not done exceptionally well. anyone in here given it a try?

  • i feel you. being trans really does just feel awful most of the time for me. it can feel really bad to see people celebrating and reveling in something that causes you so much pain.

    i try not to look at trans pride as a declaration that the experience of being trans is awesome, because it isn’t always—it can be deeply uncomfortable and traumatic. but it doesn’t have to be. i see pride as a celebration and a message of mutual support, a reminder that even though this feels bad, a different world is possible—we need to wear our transness on our shoulders so we can fight for a future where trans people don’t have to feel this way. it’s about lifting each other up and establishing an atmosphere that doesn’t just tolerate being trans but celebrates it. that’s the first step toward normalizing it, i think.

    that’s how i see it, anyway. i don’t know if that helps, but i do think it’s easy to forget that even the most optimistic trans people you see have gone through a lot of pain because of it, too. at the end of the tunnel, there’s also joy—unbridled gender euphoria that most cis people never experience.

    ultimately we’re here for you comrade. being trans is tough but it means having each other’s backs. hang in there. :trans-heart:

  • widuqind [she/her]tomainHottake video games are garbage.
    3 years ago

    tbf i think it's pretty different in a couple major ways. for one thing, harry potter is a political work. it's not a very good one, and there's nothing worth really taking from it, but jkr's fucked up neuroses have left an indelible mark on it and its shitty neolib "message." that's not really the case with minecraft. also, while it sucks that notch walked away from it all with a fat stack of cash and a gigantic platform, there's nothing we can do about that now—boycotting minecraft or whatever doesn't change any of that. however, buying copies of minecraft now doesn't profit him, whereas buying into the harry potter franchise absolutely profits jkr.

  • widuqind [she/her]topoliticsVote away genocide... with your money!
    3 years ago

    This genocide against Muslims in China is shockingly reminiscent of the Holocaust. In the prelude to their extermination, the Nazis dehumanized the Jews. They called Jews rats, stripped them of their human and legal rights, and herded them like cattle into concentration camps.

    wow, talk about fucked... good thing that doesn't happen over here...

  • widuqind [she/her]tomainAnimal Kingdom: Problematic
    3 years ago

    sorry, but woke monarchism isn't enough for me. we need to remove references to outdated, oppressive forms of government entirely. we should refer to the animal k*ngdom as the animal republic from now on.