On this day in 1961, the Bay of Pigs invasion took place wheen a force of 1400 Cuban exiles, funded and led by the U.S., landed on the southwestern coast of Cuba in a failed attempt at overthrowing the communist Cuban government.

Covertly financed and directed by the U.S. state, the operation took place at the height of the Cold War and its failure led to major shifts in international relations between Cuba, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

The coup attempt came in response to Castro expropriating property from American capitalists; U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower allocated $13.1 million to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in March 1960 for use against Castro. With the aid of Cuban counter-revolutionaries, the CIA proceeded to organize an invasion.

On the night of April 17th, an invasion force of approximately 1400 Cuban exiles (gusanos) and CIA officers landed on the beach at Playa Girón in the Bay of Pigs. After a few days, the insurgents became overwhelmed by the Cuban army when Kennedy refused to provide air support for the operation.

The invasion's defeat solidified Castro's role as a national hero and strengthened Cuba-Soviet relations. Several Cuban exiles and two Americans were executed upon capture. Over 1,000 prisoners were exchanged for humanitarian aid from the U.S. government.

-- Castro led fight against Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 :fidel-freethrow:

Hola Camaradas :fidel-salute-big: , Our Comrades In Texas are currently passing Through some Hard times :amerikkka: so if you had some Leftover Change or are a bourgeoisie Class Traitor here are some Mutual Aid programs that you could donate to :left-unity-3:

Here is a list of Trans rights organizations you can support :cat-trans:

Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Alexander, M - ‘The New Jim Crow’ (2010)

Davis, A - ‘Are Prisons Obsolete’ (2003)

Jackson, G. - ‘Blood in My Eye’ (1972)

Vitale A.S - ‘The End of Policing’ (2017)

https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/angela-y-davis-are-prisons-obsolete :angela:

Foundations of Leninism :flag-su:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:

!genzedong@hexbear.net :deng-salute:

!strugglesession@hexbear.net :why-post-this:

!libre@hexbear.net :anarxi:

!neurodiverse@hexbear.net :Care-Comrade:

And remember folks, JFK got what he deserved

Also remember today is Movie Night at 20:00 EST :meow-popcorn:

Its the Soviet version of the Lord of the Rings :hammer-sickle: }

on cytu.be :og-hex-bear:

edit: the Movie is over

  • clover [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Why do I feel more hopeless about everything now that people are getting vaccinated and shit? Is it just anxiety over having to rejoin society after spending more than a year indoors? Am I getting affected by news about shootings and other violence because they somehow feel novel again? Is that toast I smell?

    • Wertheimer [any]
      4 years ago

      Something About The Way Society Was Exposed As Complete Illusion Over Past Year Really Getting Man Down Today

      VANCOUVER, WA—Unable to shake off an overall negative feeling he couldn’t attribute to anything in particular, local man Paul Carpenter confirmed Monday that something about the way society was exposed as a complete illusion over the past year was really getting him down today. “Maybe it’s just quarantine talking, but the reality dawning on me that American life is a fundamentally hollow cesspool of spectacle and misery is really bumming me out lately,” said Carpenter, adding that he had the vague idea that living in a social system based on brutal competition that made all human relationships transactional and perverted the very idea of community might have something to do with it. “I can’t put my finger on it, but maybe I’m just really tired of the coronavirus pandemic, which wasn’t mishandled as some people say but in fact shown to be rationally handled by a group of insulated wealthy individuals who can pursue their greedy desires with the full knowledge that a vast percentage of Americans are economically superfluous and thus willing to fight among themselves for scraps? On the other hand, though, maybe it’s the stress of a news cycle in which people from both political parties are invested in a series of increasingly baroque conspiracy theories guided by the grotesque and increasingly obvious lies we tell ourselves about American exceptionalism that’s making me feel kind of sad. There’s just this nagging feeling I have that it became very clear over the past 12 months that the basic building blocks of society are crumbling and there is absolutely no plan for changing anything at any level to avoid plunging the vast majority of humanity into cycles of ever-worsening suffering and violence. Maybe it’s just that being fundamentally powerless and living among other similarly disenfranchised, surveilled, and downtrodden people have made me feel completely alienated from any kind of community at all, or maybe I just need to get more sleep.” Carpenter added that he did plan to address the way he’d been feeling lately, perhaps by tuning out of the news and letting other people who weren’t ever even afforded the option to believe in the illusions of American society figure out what to do, or by trying to exercise more.

    • Abraxiel
      4 years ago

      The last year has been a terrible revelation of how ineffective society is at dealing with any real challenge. There hasn't been a clean resolution to that, so the idea that we're just going back to the pre-pandemic norms is palpably scary. You're not alone in feeling this way.

      Also, from talking to my friends, a lot of people are feeling the atrophy of their social skills. From my own experience, I put up serious walls over the winter because I didn't want to bring anyone else down while they were struggling and also because I was afraid of showing weakness while I was vulnerable, even though that vulnerability was shared by everyone. That shit is going to take a while to unlearn.