• cosecantphi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm also an American victim of Chairman Xi Jinping's authoritarian communist rule. We exist, and we'll keep existing until you liberals realize communism goes against human nature and never works.

    In the summer of 2015 I went to a special showing of the movie American Sniper for veterans of the Iraq war. I thought this would be a great patriotic event to honor fallen heroes like Chris Kyle who sacrificed everything to defend our country. What I didn't know was that Xi Jinping was in the country for a corrupt deal with the failing Obama administration.

    Normally I keep my right hand on my concealed carry 1911 at all times just in case some thug tries to play the knockout game with the wrong guy. But liberals were still hysterical about the false flag Aurora movie theater shooting so I wasn't allowed to bring my gun into the movie with me. I didn't think much of it at the time since I was surrounded by only other veterans and their families. But now I know in my heart that they planned it this way.

    Since my hands were free, I was able to enjoy a can of baked beans as I watched the movie. It was getting to the best part where Chris Kyle snipes the head off this Iraqi terrorist kid. But just as he pulled the trigger, it all suddenly happened. While I was distracted and eating a big spoonful of baked beans, Xi Jinping quickly snuck into my row. Before I even noticed he was there, this pinko commie bastard took a wet shit in pants. In his escape he then knocked over my can of beans into the lap of the woman sitting next to me. By the time I had realized what happened he was gone.

    Everyone was staring at me. Instinctively, I reached for my 1911, but it wasn't there. I started shaking when I heard people around me whispering about the smell, people were saying I smelled like shit. The man sitting to my left started telling people lies that I had soiled myself. They all started laughing at me. My vision got blurry and my thoughts were racing. The husband of the woman Xi Jinping spilled my baked beans on started screaming at me just as I began to panic. He grabbed me by my shirt collar and kept yelling at me, he started calling me a pervert and cussed me out. I started hyperventilating. He was about to punch me, but when he noticed Xi Jinping's wet shit leaking down my leg he threw me back into my seat with disgust.

    That was when security showed up. I was so relieved that I could tell them what happened and finally get help in catching Xi Jinping. It had only been a few minutes, he was probably just right outside the movie theater. But as I told security my story, all they did was smile and nod. They quickly escorted me out of the the building, and when we reached the sidewalk they told me I wasn't welcome to ever come back. I once again instinctively reached for my 1911, but again it wasn't there.

    When I got home, I got on Facebook to tell my story, hoping it wasn't already too late. But no one believed me. Not even my fellow brothers in arms. My own family calls me a lunatic every time I bring up this story at family gatherings and meals.

    That was the day I realized the actual threat to America that communism and the PRC represents. This is why we fight. Xi Jinping humiliated me in ways I'll never forget or forgive. I won't rest until at the very least all real Americans understand what this brutal dictator is capable of.