cosecantphi [he/him]

  • 173 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • cosecantphi [he/him]tomemesadult autism reality
    20 days ago

    Thanks comrade, I appreciate the solidarity and knowing others also went through this. It was tough for me when the vaccines started rolling out. Every single day I delayed getting the vaccine, the more like a piece of shit I felt doing nothing. All the while I was helplessly watching the chud antivax movement grow. It got to the point I was seriously considering becoming a recluse over it.

    Truly, I don't know how it didn't occur to me sooner that I ought to just show up for my vaccine extremely high on illegal drugs.

  • cosecantphi [he/him]tomemesadult autism reality
    21 days ago

    Yes, I've always fantasized about telling doctors exactly this.

    Like, "Hey doc, you can either prescribe me clean, regulated, cheap pharma dope, or I am going to walk out the door and buy laced, stepped on, expensive cartel dope off a street corner. Which course of treatment do you see having better health outcomes?"

    But I'm certain it would not help lmao

  • cosecantphi [he/him]tomemesadult autism reality
    21 days ago

    In my experience, children getting stimulants isn't usually a big deal for doctors because it's unlikely for children to have a preexisting history of drug addiction. It's young adults, especially people of color, requiring controlled substances that sets off their cop brain worms

  • cosecantphi [he/him]tomemesadult autism reality
    21 days ago

    I can relate to this so much. I have a severe needle phobia as a result of autism plus extreme childhood trauma, and doctors used to give me a single dose benzo prescription of Ativan when I needed to do bloodwork and get vaccines. That all stopped, forever, the moment my history of opioid addiction made it into my medical record. Makes sense, opioid+benzo is likely to equal dead, right? Well, come covid I was several years clean, and still got denied any sort of sedatives.

    I made it as clear to the doctor as possible that without heavy sedation, I would not be able to get the covid vaccine because in a sober state of mind I cannot control myself at all when someone is about to puncture my flesh with a needle. I will try to exit the room as fast as possible, and I will get violent if someone tries to stop me. Doctor wouldn't budge, somehow they came to the conclusion that taking a single dose of a benzo is more of a danger to me than catching fucking covid unvaccinated.

    In the end, I had to buy illegal Xanax off the DNM. I showed up for my covid vaccine obviously barred the fuck out. Since then I've realized how perfect of a microcosm this situation was for how the war on drugs has severely hurt patient outcomes in situations calling for controlled substances. Do doctors not realize that denying people prescriptions doesn't mean their patients just give up on trying to source them? That it's possible that we'll just get it ourselves at the cost of using unregulated drugs that are far more dangerous? I hope to god they start to notice and factor this into their decision making soon. Shit's fucked out there.

  • cosecantphi [he/him]tomemesadult autism reality
    21 days ago

    ADHD comes with its own little horror in that seeking the most effective treatment instantly makes you a criminal in the eyes of pharmacists, doctors, and lawmakers.

    "Congrats on your ADHD diagnosis! The most effective treatment for this condition is stimulant medication."

    Thanks doc, can I be prescribed stimulant medication to treat my ADHD?

    Doctor types "drug seeker" into your chart, offers SNRI instead, acts like you're faking it a month later when you don't respond well to the treatment