I tried LSD the other day but it didnt have any effect - later i tried a higher dosage (2 tabs at 250 ug each supposedly) but again no effect?? Am i doing something wrong? I took them sublingually.

I was on snris until recently, is that making my brain resistant or something?? Will the same thing happen if i take shrooms? I was really hoping to trip out at a concert next week....

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    100ug is considered an average dose. It is definitely noticeable, though it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to come on. 250ug is pretty strong.

    Depending on preparation, dosage can be very hit or miss though. A blotter sheet (perforated square, usually of around 100 squares) might not be evenly distributed. Sugar cubes dosed with a pipette might not be consistent. Contact with chlorinated tap water, among other things, can cause LSD to deteriorate. If it has been sitting in storage for a couple years, it might not work anymore.

    If the LSD doesn't work, try the shrooms. shrug-outta-hecks

    • morte [she/her]
      2 months ago

      I see i see. Follow up question: i have an concert in less than a week that i want to take shrooms at. If i do a test run tonight will that diminish their efficacy at the concert?

        • morte [she/her]
          2 months ago

          Damn. Will the LSD i took affect the shrooms too?

          • GaveUp [she/her]M
            2 months ago

            The tolerance is a lot less than people online make it seem to be. I know tons of people that trip multiple times a month and still only take 2 or 3 tabs

            I take 1 tab 2 days in a row every year and the second one is just as enjoyable as the first, even if it is a bit weaker

            • morte [she/her]
              2 months ago

              Ok fingers crossed! Thankz comrade catgirl-salute

      • urmums401k [she/her, they/them]
        2 months ago

        If you want to he sure: Take a smaller dose and see if you feel weird. Take a slightly higher dose for the concert.

        But faking acid is cheaper than faking shrooms, which is barely cheaper than real shrooms. You should be fine.

  • TransComrade69
    2 months ago

    you're getting acid that isn't bunk overhyped bologna? brow

    • morte [she/her]
      2 months ago

      I have no idea ive never done acid b4

      I was expecting to see cool shit or at least feel something but.... silence

      • TransComrade69
        2 months ago

        Pro-tip: If someone is selling 250ug tabs, they're either selling overpriced plain paper or they're overselling on the mics. They probably just sold you paper, unfortunately. We're in an acid drought 'round my parts. Shrooms are generally much easier to find in my experience, lol.

    • cosecantphi [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Yeah, that's a "forget your own name" kinda dose if you're not experienced, OP probably dodged a bullet with these being bunk

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]M
    2 months ago

    SNRIs make your brain resistant yes, but there is a chance that the acid is bunk. I would also make sure you space out when you take your psychedelics because they all their tolerances linked, so if you took LSD then shrooms a few days later, the shrooms would have a reduced effect. Make sure you wait at least 2-3 weeks between trips so that you can get a good gauge on how you actually react to psychedelics.

    But I'm on an SSRI and an anti-psychotic and was floored the last time I took shrooms even though I expected it to be quite light.

    • morte [she/her]
      2 months ago

      I see! Sadly i'll only have had about a week and a half between when i tried the "LSD" i had and this concert I'm going to. So it remains to be seen how much I'll need to take and how much it'll affect me. but its good to know seratonin syndrome is not so likely to happen based on your other reply. Ive been off my SNRI for a little longer than than that I think- but based on the night sweats i expect that its still in my system. I'll make a note of the dosage and dose timing at the concert. Fingers crossed. I know these shroom gummies are probably good cause they smell like ass lmao