morte [she/her]

  • 18 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • morte [she/her]toselfcrit*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    While i appreciate de anonymizing yourself and posting here. I do not accept this apology. I am tired of writing effort posts about what this means to me and other people have already pointed out whats wrong here. You can find my takes about this struggle sesh, as well as how it affected me personally (as a relatively privileged person living in the imperial core). And posting this right now is just making the struggle session even longer. Do better or step down, i dont care which at this point

  • Whew im at the theater to see smile 2 and had to step out for a lil bit which is a first for me


    Its had some great scares but theres an element of the main character being a mentally ill former drug user being tormented by an evil entity into rapidly losing her mind in a very, very public fashion. It got too much for me when she went to talk at a banquet for underprivileged youth. I can hear her screaming in there!

    Anyway, back to it. The first one was good and im enjoying this one so far

    Edit: unitentional slur, sorry!

  • Whew, between that and the unspeakable horrors 2C derivatives are really nothing to fuck around with lightly. I'll tread carefully. Maybe one day I'll dip my toes into phenythylamines one day, but for now I think I'll just stick to the classics and read Shulgin to satisfy my curiosity. Thanks!

  • Thank you for reading comrade.

    Im not brave. This will be the first and last struggle sesh that i participate in and if i had known it would develop into a full blown strugglesesh at the start a few days ago, i would have stayed tf out of it. Because this was honestly just one long extended meltdown for me, a break between figuring out which drugs to put in my body next and which mushrooms to put in my next risotto and share with hexbear (i have decided on maitakes and lions mane). It started from when i woke up yesterday and read the post and culminated in a full blown panic attack, an actual mental health crisis, and some of the worst dysphoria ive felt since last year when the mental hospital took away my razors and moved me to into a mens only unit when my facial hair grew out the next day. I really, genuinely never wanted something like this to have happened or ever happen again on the site and if it does im just going to tune out and blast my brains out with something to forget myself, forget the world, and forget how much this place means to me because i wont be able to take it otherwise. Probably ketamine.

  • morte [she/her]
    toDrugsLSD dosage??
    4 months ago

    I see! Sadly i'll only have had about a week and a half between when i tried the "LSD" i had and this concert I'm going to. So it remains to be seen how much I'll need to take and how much it'll affect me. but its good to know seratonin syndrome is not so likely to happen based on your other reply. Ive been off my SNRI for a little longer than than that I think- but based on the night sweats i expect that its still in my system. I'll make a note of the dosage and dose timing at the concert. Fingers crossed. I know these shroom gummies are probably good cause they smell like ass lmao