I've taken shrooms a couple times recently (2g doses) with incredibly minimal effects. I know the shrooms are potent, two friends started tripping at half that dose. I know lamictal blocks dissociative states does that mean it blocks the ability to trip too?

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]M
    4 months ago

    Mescaline doesn't seem to have any interaction with psychiatric meds, that is as exception. However, there are a lot less studies on mescaline because even with San Pedros it's a fairly difficult process making it. 2C derivatives are 100 percent a no go though, they release seratonin and have MAOI properties, I wouldn't even mix a MAOI with ibuprofen personally, when I say that's all you can mix with it, I mean that as seriously as possible. I cannot repeat it enough, do not mix MAOIs with anything they're not intended to be mixed with

    CW: Suicide

    You don't have to really worry about Seratonin Syndrome unless you're taking something with an MAOI, or taking multiple SRIs at the same time (for example, taking Zoloft with DXM at high doses). Also to anybody who may be suicidal, mixing SRIs takes multiple days to kill, it will not be a quick and painless death. You can technically die off DXM (SNRI) and SSRIs, but you'll have to sit there thinking about it for days before you die, an absolutely (common) terrible suicide method, and you have to take a fat fucking dose of both.

    Seriously, just take normal doses of classic psychedelics (shrooms, acid, MDMA, mescaline, ect.) and you'll be fine. Just don't start experimenting with other psychs, basic tryptamines and (real) acid have a GREAT safety profile. As long as you're not taking Lithium, you're fine on pretty much all psychiatric meds with classic psychedelics.

    • morte [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Whew, between that and the unspeakable horrors 2C derivatives are really nothing to fuck around with lightly. I'll tread carefully. Maybe one day I'll dip my toes into phenythylamines one day, but for now I think I'll just stick to the classics and read Shulgin to satisfy my curiosity. Thanks!