

    10 months ago

    Mfw I open up a picture of someone's face onto the FBI network, but it turns out its a 100,000 terabyte zipbomb.

    10 months ago

    Use this:

    Now, seriously, should we be doing this? What if there is way more and the guardian gets to say later “turnout much lower than expected.” On the other hand, maybe there will be fewer people that fill it out than actually go and anticipation will be higher. Also, they could run a story about fake pumping up of the numbers. I’m not really opposed to it, I just wonder if the consequences would be positive or negative.

    • the post of tom
      10 months ago

      I'm just a baby commie, but im pretty sure that mot giving a shit what flavor lies capital-captured publications will tell is praxis, so imma do it to make the governments job crushing dissent just a tiny bit harder